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Seungcheol pov

Seungkwan jumps from the roof and Jeonghan lets out a terrible scream.

"SEUNGKWAN!!!!!!" He crumbles down to the floor and cries. My heart breaks at the sound.

"Jeonghan we need to take him to the hospital." He just cries harder in response. I call 119 from my phone as I coax Jeonghan into moving down.

"This 119 what is your emergency?"

"My friend has fallen off the roof. We need an ambulance."

"Where to come?"

"Paradise boarding house, Incheon."

"On our way." I hang up the phone and Jeonghan and I start going down. On our way, we meet everyone.

"Where is Seungkwan?" Asks Minghao.

"He threw himself off the roof."

There is pin drop silence at this pronouncement. After what feels like an eternity, everybody rushes downstairs. Jeonghan and I run after them. Before we could reach, there is a terrible scream. Mingyu is crying and yelling at the same time. Seokmin and Minghao are trying to give him some emergency help but due to their shaking hands, they didn't seem to get anywhere much. Jihoon was crying into Soonyoung's shoulder. As soon as Jihoon and Soonyoung see us, they make a direct beeline towards us. 

"Seungcheol hyung." Jihoon says. He looks like he wants to say more  but can't. He just falls into my arms and cries his heart out. I hold him uncomplainingly. Jeonghan on the other hand is trying to console Soonyoung.

"What happened hyung?" Soonyoung asks. I didn't want to retell everything. Jeonghan spares me.

"Seungkwan has been getting bullied at school. All of that mixed with Mingyu's rejection, he couldn't take it anymore." His voice sounded hollow. He squeezed my hand tight before continuing . "Mingyu this is not your fault. You didn't cause this." The ambulance arrives and takes him. They allow two people in with them so Mingyu and I follow in.

"I'll see you all at the hospital." The drive feels so long. Mingyu dosen't stop crying the entire way. I keep vaguely patting him on the back but my mind is on other things. We reach the hospital and he is immediately wheeled into surgery. The others arrived two seconds later and Jeonghan is holding my hands rather tightly next to me. I silently beckon Jeonghan and we both go out for a walk.

"What is it Cheollie?"

"I need to call his parents. And what about the hospital charges? I already am paying the debt for Seokmin's hospitalisation and how am I supposed to take another loan?"

"Don't worry Cheollie. I can ask Yeji noona for some money. As for calling his parents, just get it over with. I am here." Before I could control myself, I pull him in roughly for a kiss.

Jeonghan pov

I am too stunned to respond when Seungcheol pulls me in for a kiss. His force is so tremendous that my feet are slightly up in the air. Seungcheol tries to make me understand all his emotions through the kiss and I get them. Before long I realize that I'm not kissing him back. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back. After what seems like several sunlit days, we break apart as we both need air.

"As much as I would like to continue, we have to call his parents." He smiles sheepishly and takes his phone out to contact his parents. He puts the phone on speaker and together we talk to his parents.

"Hello?" A rather high pitched voice replies.

"Now I know where he gets his annoying voice from." I mutter lightly and Cheollie chuckles.

"Hello eommeonie. It's Seungkwan's guardian in Seoul Choi Seungcheol."

"What is it? I'm busy right now." 

"Your son is hospitalized. He has a head injury and I felt that I had to inform you." I could see that he was trying to keep his voice level.

"HE IS HOSPITALIZED? HOW WILL HE EARN MONEY? WE NEED HIS MONEY TO PAY FOR HIS HALF BROTHER'S FEES!!! WHAT GOOD IS HE IF HE CAN'T EVEN EARN MONEY? THAT USELESS LITTLE SHIT." Her voice had escalated so high that we kept the phone at a slight distance till she stopped yelling.

"Eommeonie he will be up and about in no time. Please don't worry. I have to go back to the O.R but I will give you an update as soon as I get any." He cuts the call and we start to head back to the O.R. The boys are all huddled together and I notice all of my friends are also here.

"Any news?" I ask Soonyoung and he shakes his head. I sit down next to him and he leans his head into my shoulder. I keep patting his back while Seungcheol is talking to Mingyu in whispers.

"BUT IT IS MY FUCKING FAULT HYUNG." Mingyu's broken voice breaks the silence.

"Jeonghan-a, Hongjoong hyung is calling me take care of Mingyu?" I nod and he rushes off to take the call.

"Mingyu-a" He dosen't say anything.

"You didn't do anything. You didn't tell him to jump off the roof. He did it himself. Your rejection didn't do anything. He was still getting bullied in school. That's why he did this." He said nothing but buried his head in my chest. Seungcheol comes back soon and untangle myself from Mingyu and go to check on everyone. The light of the O.R turns green. All of us get up and rush towards the doctor, who is clearly surprised by 12 boys running straight at him.

"How is Seungkwan?"

"Is he fine?"

"Can we visit him?"

"Was his injury serious?"

"Where is he?"

The questions come out tumbling out of everyone and you could hear nobody.

"Shut up." I yell loudly and everybody promptly does so.

"This is a hospital young man." The doctor looks at me sternly but I ignore him.

"How is Seungkwan doctor-nim?" We all look at him expectantly but the look on his face tells us something us. Then he tells us all the words we dreaded to hear.

"Mr.Boo Seungkwan is dead."

People please always remember that even though now it dosen't seem like it, you have a place in this world. You are an important asset to the world. I know it seems like the world will be a happier place without you but that is not true. Think about your parents, brothers,sisters,grandparents,friends etc when you are  thinking about suicide.

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