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10 hours earlier

Mingyu pov

Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin were in this alley smoking cigarettes.

"That slut Seungkwan is gone. What to do now?" Minho hyung asks. My blood boils at him just throwing his name so casually.

"Maybe we can use that seokmin." Changbin hyung says.

 I will not let them use more of my friends. I creep up on them. They notice nothing. I hit the bat on all of their heads and make them unconscious. I get the car I had rented and drag three of them inside. I drive them to the forest where Seokmin had proposed to Minghao.  I look at the time and realize it's 7 pm. They will notice that I'm gone. But I have no time to worry about that. I tie the three of them to trees and throw water at their faces to wake them up. There eyes have a slight haze as they cannot figure out where they are.

"What do you want?" Changbin hyung croaked.

"You killed the love of my life, Seungkwan. You were going to ruin the life of my best friend Seokmin. I will never let you go." 

"He deserved it." Minho says and I can no longer control my temper. I take out my bat and keep hitting him over and over again. His screams of pain egg me on further. This demon takes over me  as I hit him, his blood his splattering on my t-shirt. After 15 minutes of hitting, my endless pain about losing him subsides. I didn't want to kill them. I wanted them to be alive and feel and live with the guilt of what they have done.

"So who wants to be next?" They both look terrified and keep begging for mercy as for the next hour, I hit them one by one as well.They are all bleeding rather profusely.

"You do realize that there will be consequences for this." Hyunjin says with the greatest effort it cost him.

"You have no proofs my dears." I throw their phones at some distance and cut their ropes open. They are gasping for breath.

"I'll see you in school. Or not." I walk away, leaving them in that state. I leave the car at the parking, thinking I will take it tomorrow when I'm not covered in blood. I open the door and see Minghao and Seokmin sitting on the couch. Both of them look horrified looking at me.

"What have you done Mingyu?" Seokmin and without answering him, I walk straight into the bathroom and wash myself. I ditch the shirt and walk into my room without even a single glance towards them. 

"Mingyu please open the door." Minghao says from the outside. I am reluctant but the worry in his voice makes me open the door. They both walk in. They sit themselves at quite some distance from me, as if I am gonna hit them too.

"Mingyu what happened?" This soft and non judgemental voice makes me break out and tell them everything I have done.

Seokmin pov

As Mingyu walks us through everything he has done, my heart breaks for him. He is missing Seungkwan and he is upset that he never got to tell him how he feels.

"Mingyu-ya." Minghao hugs and I can hear his soft sobs.

"Minghao, you should go to sleep. I'll look after him." He gets up and I sit down at his bed. Mingyu puts his head at my lap and I start stroking his hair.

"Don't feel jealous Hao." Mingyu mumbles quietly.

"Never Gyu. Just sleep. Goodnight Minnie and Gyu." He quickly pecks me and leaves. I keep stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry Min." He says almost inaudibly.

"Just sleep Gyu. We'll figure everything tomorrow." I don't even realize when I fall asleep, still sitting in his bed.

Mingyu pov

I was sitting at the beach when I hear a soft and familiar voice.

"You shouldn't have done that." I whip my head so fast that my neck gets cricked.

"Seungkwan?" He is in a white t-shirt and jeans.

"You shouldn't have done that Mingyu." He repeats again.

"But he is the reason you are dead." I want him to tell me I didn't do wrong.

"The reason I am dead is because I was weak hyung." He grasps my hands in his before continuing. "I thought giving up would be an easier thing to do. I am so sorry Mingyu."

"But I love you Kwannie. Don't leave me." I'm practically begging him now.

"I have to go. You can and will live without me. But promise me you will not hurt them. Promise me you will live with honour."


"I don't have time.Promise me." He is turning mistier.

"I promise." He removes his hand from mine.

"Bye Mingyu hyung." He turns into mist and I wake up. 

It is currently 4 am and I was still sleeping in Seokmin's lap. I see his head slumped at an awkward angle against the headboard. I gently put him down on the bed and cover him with the blanket. I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. My mind was too cluttered so I decide to go to the roof. I leave a note so he dosen't get worried. As I walk there, I realize that this was the last place Seungkwan was alive. I stand on the edge, wanting to join him.

"Don't do that." I look over and see Jihoon hyung.

"What are you doing here?" 

"I couldn't sleep." He replies simply and for the first time I realize that there are others just as hurt at his loss.

"Wanna talk about it?" I climb down and sit next to him.

"Not really. You?" 


We just sit next to each other and let our thoughts take over us. There was nothing but the soft whistling of the wind. It was still dark but dawn was approaching soon. There was still the soft chirping of nocturnal birds.

"I just miss him a lot." He suddenly speaks up.

"So do I hyung."

So do I.

I thank all of you so much. It's all because of the readers that the book is still going on. I'm so sorry for not updating earlier. My school started and I've been busy with work. Allow me to apologize.

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