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Seungcheol pov

Before I knew it, we had to go to school. I still hadn't touched Seungkwan's letter. The wound was still raw for me to open his letter. We all usually ate in my house with Jihoon and Mingyu cooking. Even now I could smell the eggs being cooked. I was lying down on the bed with Jeonghan next to me.

"What is it Cheollie?" I look at him and his eyes have a tinge of sleepiness.

"I just don't want to go to school."

"Aww my baby." He comes closer to cuddle me and I bury my head in his chest. 

"As much as I love to see you lovebirds, breakfast is ready." I don't look but I hear Jeonghan reply.

"Coming and we are not lovebirds."

We get up and I go to the bathroom first to freshen up and change. I come out and see everyone eating rather forcefully. I sit down and wolf down breakfast as fast as I can without choking myself. In what seems like no time, we are in school.I take out my books and start heading to the class. Jeonghan and Jisoo sidle next to me.

"Just remember you are not alone." He grabs my hand and I start blushing rather hard.

"Is my Cheollie blushing?"

"No. You are." I say way too defensively and they start laughing. An announcement distracts us.

"Can all the students please gather in the auditorium?" Rather mystified, we all head towards towards the auditorium where we meet our mystified friends.

"We never have full school assemblies." Jun muses.

"What is it about?" Jihoon asks.

"It's about Seungkwan hyung. A service to him and then getting some students to speak about him." A rather white Chan answers.

"Some students will speak? But they have not asked any of us." Before the conversation could continue, a teachers pushes us inside andd we all take a seat at the back of the auditorium.

"Hello Dear students and teachers. Today we are here to mourn the loss of one of our students Mr.Boo Seungkwan. He was such a great boy and student and I would now like to call some of his friends to say some words about him."

A boy who I had never seen say one word to him steps up. He smooths down his paper and begins to read in a monotone.

"Boo Seungkwan was a great guy. He was very friendly and nice and always helped...."

I didn't hear a word after that. My blood was pounding in my ears and my fists were tightly clenched. How dare they? How can they pretend to know Seungkwan? These fuckers didn't give two shits about him. My thoughts are interrupted when a loud voice booms across the hall.

"I'm sorry Mr.Park but this is utter bullshit."

Jihoon pov

I couldn't take his speech anymore. Pretending to know Seungkwan these motherfuckers.

"I'm sorry Mr.Park but this is utter bullshit." My voice comes out clear and suddenly I'm not afraid of the crowds looking at me. I will not let them do this to our Seungkwan.

"Boo Seungkwan was bitchy and moody as fuck. He never did anything nice or helped people with work. But he had love. Love for his family. And not family in Jeju. Us. We were and always will be his family. So don't you dare get these people who never spoke one word to him tell us what he was." 

There is a terrible silence at these words. No one says a word. Suddenly, I hear a shuffle of chairs and realize that out entire group is standing up. People are clapping while the teachers are yelling "Detention for all of you."

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