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Seungcheol pov

It has been three hours since my water broke but I'm still dilated only four centimeters. The pain was excruciating. I was drenched in sweat. Hannie was trying to be helpful but he knew that there is nothing he could do to reduce my pain.

"Hang in there Cheollie." He is holding my hand to try and provide me with comfort.

"Hannie why isn't she coming out? This is unbearable. I can't do this anymore." I could barely get the words out of my mouth.

"Just try to-" and the rest of his words were drowned out as another contraction hit me and I screamed out in pain. I was basically crushing his hand but he did not flinch at all. He just kept encouraging me and tried to get me through my pain. I just love this man so much.

"I love you Hannie."

"I love you too Cheollie."

Jihoon pov

Soonyoung was leaning on the wall and was having a hurried whispered conversation with Mingyu. His way of talking is truly mesmirising. He moved his hands quite a bit and always maintained an unrelenting eye contact with the person he is talking. It is quite unnerving when he does that with his friends but so fucking hot when he does that with his idols. He suddenly looked over and smiled at me and I realized that I was staring at him quite intensely. I immediately look away but he makes his way over.

"Hoonie can we talk?" My nickname coming out of his mouth makes me a little weak in the knees. I nod nonchalantly but I'm panicking inside. Soonyoung's control over me is unprecedented and he knows that.

"Jihoon, look at me." I force my eyes up and meet his intense eyes.

"I know it wasn't a dream."

"Oh fuck" However I reply with "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You came and cuddled next to me when I was admitted in the emergency ward."

"I didn't do anything like that."


He has me backed up against the wall with both his hands on the wall. I can smell his sweat mixed with his favourite perfume. It intoxicates me and takes me back to our high school apartment, he wrapped himself around me after a tiring but exhilarating sex session. His toned stomach pressing on mine and his legs tangled with mine. His hands playing with my hair and my hands would roam on his back.

"Hoonie." His voice breaks me out of reverie.

"Hoonie listen.." before he could continue I put my arms around his neck and kiss him.

Jun pov

I walk in and there is blood and flesh everywhere. In the middle of this gore is my father with a gun pointing at my brother.

"GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER." I walk but slip in this pool of blood. I sit up and see it's the hand of one of the older gentlemen who was here. I get up and try to make my way but two of my father's goons hold me back.

"Hello to you too, Wen Jun Hui."

"Why are you here Father?" The goons hold on my arms is very strong and I'm unable to move.

"There is a case going on me in the Court in China regarding my involvement in selling of children. The opposition found about you two. I have to get rid of both of you. I can't get a life imprisonment. My business is thriving. I can't let you two ruin it."

"Please leave him. Just take me instead." I'm practically begging him by now by I don't care. Other than my daughter, he is one of the most important person to me. I will do anything for my brother.

"You're not understanding me right. You both have to go."

"You know what dad. You are the one that will go." The goons turn around to look and I take advantage of their distraction and slip from their grasp and grab whatever's nearest to me and hit them with it. They fall down and I turn to face my father. I approach him but before I could do anything, Joshua, Vernon and Chan enter with the police. In an instant, my father grabs me and presses the gun against my throat.

"Come any closer and I will blow his brains out like the rest of them."

"How did you know?" I ask them and they almost roll their eyes.

"Well Seungcheol hyung's daughter is almost out when we realized you weren't there. We came here and heard you. We called the police and here we are." Chan's voice has barely disguised panic. I nod at the police man behind him but he looks as confused as ever.

"Let him go Mr. Wen. Our Tac teams have covered all exits and you will not be able to escape." An older gentlemanly policeman states.

"Well then might as well kill him." 

Vernon pov

When somebody would ask me later about what happened, it would be blur by them. However, at the moment, things could not have gone clearer. He pulled the trigger and killed both of my friends and did not even stop to think about it. Pulling that trigger came so easy to him. Before I could even register, Joshua hyung was walking towards like a man possessed. He walked to him and gave him the hardest slap ever. You could hear the vibrations from his cheek all over the room. All of us were stunned to the core. Joshi hyung never hits anyone at all.

"How dare you!" He was speaking in his dangerously cool voice. Nobody ever wants to be at the recieving end of these. He grabs Mr.Wen's gun and we all freeze. Was he going to kill him?


Do you think Joshu-ji is going to kill Jun's father? Do you think Jun will survive? What about Jeongcheol's daughter? Will Soonhoon be back or is it a momentary lapse of judgement due to lust? Do comment your thoughts to these questions and if you have any theories.

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