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Chan pov

Joshua hyung took his gun and there was a sort of deadliness in the air. He kept turning the gun in his hand. A policeman was going to interject but we held him back. We knew Joshua hyung wouldn't kill him. Then he did something that surprised everyone present. 

Joshua hyung.......

Soonyoung pov

Jihoon put his arms around me and kissed me with a little too much force. It was a kiss full of lust and neediness. I pulled myself away quickly.

"What is it Soonie?" He is looking up at me, biting his lips. I have a mad desire to give in to this lust and take him on one of these hospital beds.

"Jihoon, this is your dick talking. As much as I want to, I also want a deeper and emotional connection. I know you are not ready for that right now and I don't intend to pressure you at all. When your heart is ready for me, call me then. I'll wait for you till then." I walk away and sit beside Mingyu.

"Where's Chansol and Joshuji?" Mingyu briefly looks up from his phone to reply.

"They went to fetch Jun hyung." He returns to his phone.

"What are you so busy about anyways?" He looks up and a ghost of a smile appears on his face.

"Just talking to some contractors about Boo Seungkwan Daycare Centre."

"That reminds me. I want you to take the Camelia plant." 

"Yes of course."

Just then Chan and Hansol come running. There t-shirt is full of blood.

"Did they have the baby?" Chan asks, a little winded.

"No but can you explain the blood?" 

"It's a very long story and involves too much."

"Just tell us." Mingyu has finally looked up from his phone and all eyes are on them.

"Well it starts with.." and he continues to tell us everything from Jun and Minghao's father to Jun and Minghao's death to what Joshua hyung did.

"Are you sure Jun is dead?" Wonwoo asks.

"He is in surgery right now but the doctors said they are not optimistic."

"NO. NO. THIS CAN'T BE. TELL ME HE IS GONNA BE FINE. TELL ME NOW." Wonwoo is shaking Chan very violently. 

"I can't say that hyung." He says quietly and before we know it Wonwoo is holding Chan down and punching him with all his might. All of us instantly up and trying to separate them. I have never seen Wonwoo like this ever. It was a little hot and frightening at the same time. It reminded of Hoonie. I could not think about him right now. Jihoon and I grab him and take him to cool down. We were all of the same age so we've always gotten along a little better. Wonwoo slips to floor and weeps like a child. 

"Wonwoo-ya. He didn't say Jun is dead. He says he dosen't know. Let's just hope for the best." Jihoon says.

"You don't understand Jihoon. What about Areum? I know I can look after her and of course you guys will help. But none of you will be able to fill the void left by Jun. You know that."

I hated how he was having a mental breakdown a few minutes but was suddenly all calm and  rational Wonwoo again. It was a bit unnerving.

Joshua pov

I was hauled in the police station.

"Hong Jisoo shi." A policeman says. I nod slightly to indicate I'm listening.

"What you've done is not illegal but still terribly wrong."

"It's not like I killed him or something. Why are you making such a fuss? I need to go check on Seungcheol, Junnie and Minghao."

The policeman contemplated for a while before deciding to let me go. I practically run back. I get mysterious looks from passerbys. It's understandable. I was completely covered in blood running from a police station. Usually what others thought about me bothered me so much. But two of my friends life was in danger. The other was having his baby. I had to get there. When I reach the hospital, the kids were all smiling.

"What happened?" I barely manage to wheeze out as I'm so winded.

"Cheol hyung had his baby."

Jeonghan pov

The doctor had come for a checkup and had decided that Seungcheol is now fully dilated. He was wheeled to the operation theatre. I grabbed the OT clothes and put them the fastest I could. I couldn't leave seungcheol alone in so much pain. I ran past my friends and entered. Seungcheol was sweating and screaming in pain. I immediately made to his side.

"How are you Cheollie?"

"HOW DO YOU THINK I AM? I'M NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVING A BABY AGAIN. DON'T EVEN FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT." He yells out. I force myself to not chuckle. He was so cute.

"The baby can hear you. Please refrain from using curse words." Dr.Yoo briefly before going back down. I was a tad bit jealous but pushed it down.

"Let's give one more push Seungcheol shi." I hold him as he gives one final push before dropping down once again. I hear the cry of my baby girl. The nurses took the baby and Cheol had the biggest panic attack in history.

"GIVE ME MY BABY BACK." He was crying and yelling. Seeing this, Dr. Yoo quickly came over and placed a calming hand on his forehead.

"They are just going to clean her up and wrap her up before giving you to her. Calm down Seungcheol. Till they get her, why don't you tell me what you're gonna name her?"

"Well Hannie wants to name her Min Ji but I want to name her Da Som. What do you think is better hyung?"

"I've been telling him to call me hyung for 9 months and he says it now in the end. As for my opinion, It's something you both should decide or ask those friends of yours. They haven't left even once and are still waiting outside."

"When can I meet them?" Seungcheol excitedly asks.

Just as he was about to reply, the nurse comes back with our beautiful baby girl. Seungcheol holds her with the biggest smile. I lean over and give both of them a quick kiss on the forehead. Seungcheol nestles his head on my chest while and I protectively put my arms around him and our beautiful baby girl.

Whenever I see people still voting and putting this story in their reading lists despite the irregular updates, I feel sad for my readers. I'm in the last year of school so it's very busy and tense time for me. But I swear I'll update atleast once a month. I know that's very less but I hope you understand. I'm so sorry once again.

On another note, please vote about whether the girl's name should be Min Ji or Da Som.

Minji means clever,sharp or wisdom while Dasom is an old Korean word for love. I hope you participate in the vote.

Thank you so much for still being here and reading this.

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