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Jun pov

After finally convincing Areum to go to sleep, I go back to our room to see Wonwoo reading with his glasses and a fluffy blue sweater on. How this boy managed to be cute and sexy at the same time was beyond me.

"What are you reading?"

"De profundis"

"What is it about?" I jump in under the blanket and cuddle closer to him.

"Many things."

He puts his book down and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I told Seokmin about us." I look up to him in surprise. We had agreed not to tell people for now.

"Why?" I wasn't angry, just curious.

"He was struggling with some personal issues regarding Minghao. I thought regaling our story to him will help him gain a different perspective. Are you angry with me?"

"No Won of course not. I was just curious."

"Are you sure?" He untangles himself with me just a little to look at me.

"Yes. I know we weren't gonna tell anyone yet. But I know you wouldn't tell anyone without a good reason."

"I know Seokmin won't tell anyone. I just wanted to help."

"I get it Won. Don't worry about it." We just stay like that for a little while. It hadn't been very long since we started dating again so we were taking things a little slow.

"You know Junnie. This feels so fucking domestic. I love it."

"I love it too."

5 months later

Soonyoung pov

I was just finishing up a dance class with Kai when I check my phone and see a notification from Jihoon.

"I haven't seen you smile like this in a while seonsaengnim." Kai says and my smile grows wider.

"The star is finally home to his universe. How can I not smile Jongin-a?"

"That's the cringiest thing I've ever heard. Please save it for your boyfriend." He leaves and I have another hour till my next class. So I decide to check his text.


Seungcheol hyung won't stop bugging me

He's convinced you and I are dating again

Do you wanna tell him?

He doesn't reply so I head down to grab a coffee. On my way I see he's calling me.


"Should we tell him Youngie? I know he won't tell the others." He sounds like he's in his studio.

"I'll do whatever you want." I get out of the elevator and head to the cafe.

"I wanna tell him. I've never had a secret I've kept from him you know."

"I'm okay with it if you are. Just a moment." I order an Iced Americano and stand in the waiting area.

"Let's tell him together sometime. I know he's started going to work again these days. He sometimes calls me just to cry about how much he misses Dasom. But she's with Mingyu so he feels a little relieved."

"That reminds me. Has he told you about what's happening with him and Eunwoo? He doesn't tell me anything."

"He's being very secretive about it. Don't worry. Seungcheol hyung and I will drag the details from him. He can't keep a secret from us."

"I don't think anybody can keep a secret from Seungcheol hyung." I hear my name being called so I grab my coffee.

"Youngie I have to go now. I'm having a meeting with a producer. If he likes my work, I'll get to be in his team permanently. At least I'll have a bit more money and I can move to a better place. And give you better things."

"Hoonie I'm happy the way we are now as well. But this is a wonderful opportunity for you. Best of luck."

"Bye Youngie."

"Bye Hoonie." I turn around and find myself face to face with Seokmin.

"So I guess Soonhoon is back huh?"

Seungcheol pov

I was finishing up my shift at work when Jeonghan showed up at the cafe with Dasom. I immediately run up to my daughter and grab her in my arms.

"I guess you don't miss me anymore?" Jeonghan pouts and I kiss his pout away.

"I'll always miss you my big baby." He smiles and together we leave the cafe.

"Cheollie we have to stop at the grocery store." We get to the grocery store and I put Dasom down on the seat in the cart. Both of us find things we need and put them, occasionally squabbling over things. We both were fighting over what chips to buy when the packet falls out of Jeonghan's hand. I look up and see someone we both haven't seen for nearly a decade now.

"Dad." Jeonghan mutters and nearly falls into my arms.

"Jeonghan. It's nice to see you." Jeonghan definitely did not look happy to so I tightened one of arms around his waist and one hand protectively over my daughter.

"I wish I could say likewise." I force down my laugh.

"Is that my grandchild?" He looks over at Dasom.

"It would be your grandchild if you were my father. You're not." He doesn't seem so scared anymore.

"Let me see my grandchild Jeonghan."

"Don't you fucking think about my child. Get the fuck away from me." He grabs the shopping cart and yanks us both away from him. After putting quite a distance between us, he allows himself to collapse on me.

"God I was terrified as fuck. The little courage I got was because of Dasom."

"Not me?" He laughs and pulls me in a chaste kiss.

"You and Dasom are my biggest motivators. I would fucking do anything for both of you."

"I'd do anything for you and Dasom too." We both look at her and her cute babbles just strengthen our resolve. We'd do anything for our little girl.

I just love writing domestic scenes.

P.S- I really do mean to publish them every ten days but it just slips out of my head. I am done with writing all the chapters but I just forget my regular updating schedule.

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