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Seokmin pov

Was I completely avoiding Minghao? Yes

Was I scheduling classes like a maniac to avoid him? Hell yes

Could I skip the opening of Mingyu's daycare centre? No

Would I have to see Minghao there? Yes

I had very muddled thoughts as  I entered the centre. He did a great job really. I met Mingyu outside very red in the face.

"Mingyu ya everything okay? You look very red." He reddens even further.

"One of the hottest man I've ever seen in my life was flirting with me. And I flirted back with him."

That one took me aback. Ever since we've been living together, I have never seen him make an attempt to get over Seungkwan.

"I'm proud of you Gyu." 

We both then enter to see the entire group with ecstatic faces.

"Chan and Hansol are engaged." Wonwoo hyung informs us. We both run to hug them both. I was very happy for them as well a whole group gathering after a long while. Jihoon and Soonyoung hyung look distinctly awkward with each other and Minghao keeps trying to catch my eye. The boy looks too stunning. I don't think he realizes just how easily he can make me weak. He's wearing a sweater over a black turtleneck and jeans. His hair is in his mullet and his bangs fall on his eyes, a look he owns now. Silver earrings adorn his ears.  The boy really has a perfect job for himself.

  The boy really has a perfect job for himself

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(Minghao's outfit)

As plans are being made for celebration, Minghao tugs at my sleeve and pulls me to the closest room.

"Hi." He seems a little nervous to me


"You look very good." I look down at my own outfit. It wasn't anything special. A black denim jacket over a black shirt and pants. But since he is a person working in men's fashion I'll take his word for it.

 But since he is a person working in men's fashion I'll take his word for it

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(Dk's outfit)

"Thanks. You look stunning as always."

He blushes a little at that.

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