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Mentions of homophobia. Very cruel forms of torture.

Jeonghan pov

"What the fuck did you say?" Seungcheol is standing there, with his fists clenched.

"Seungcheol." I don't know what else to say. I am truly sorry.

"You son of a bitch." He tries to come near me but he is stopped by another man holding him down.

"Cheollie please calm down." The man is trying to pull him away from me but seungcheol is putting a really strong defense.

"Calm down??? He fucking ruined our life hyung. He was the one who beat my seokmin. He is the one who told people in school and I STILL LET HIM STAY WITH ME. THIS BITCH." He is trying to let go of that man's grasp.

"Cheol, this is a hospital. Please lower your volume." The man takes him somewhere else and I sit down and start crying. Everything he said was true. I have never done one good thing in his life since I came. I really should leave him. I make up my mind.

I'm gonna leave him.

Seungcheol pov

I'm fuming and hongjoong hyung is calling seungkwan to come sit with me.

"He is coming." Hyung tells me as he sits down next to me.

"Hyung." I'm unable to speak any more and start crying. He holds me and keeps ruffling my hair. I curl up on his lap and keep crying.

"I'm so fucking tired hyung. I have handled everything since the 2nd grade of middle school. I take care of seokmin,my friends. I have been making my own money since then and have handled everything alone. I can't do this anymore." I keep crying and he keeps telling everything will be fine.

"Hyung." Seungkwan is here and he looks worried.

"Kwannie." I come out of hongjoong hyung's grasp and fall on his lap,crying. He keeps patting my back.

"Cheol, I'm going to see seokmin." I nod and hyung leaves.

"Hyung,please talk to me. I'm worried." 

"It's jeonghan's fault that everybody in school knows that my parents were fucking murderers." He looks really shocked but keeps patting my back. I'm curled up in his lap. We are both silent till I hear seungkwan say

"How dare you fucking come here?" I look up and see

It's jeonghan

Seungkwan pov

I'm beyond angry when I see Jeonghan hyung here.

"Can I please talk to you guys?"

"What the fuck do you wanna tell us?" Jeonghan winces slightly but continues talking.

"The thing is vernon,wonwoo,jun and my brother chan broke into student records so they probably know all about your families. There will be rumours when you come to school whenever you come. I just want to say." 

"Like about our parents?" I ask and he timidly nods.

"How dare you?" I'm trying to get up but seungcheol hyung is holding me down.

"Let me talk boo. So your friends are gonna release our personal information without our permission? Like you did with bangchan and felix. You low lives can go fuck yourself for all I care. Just leave my house. Like now." 

Jeonghan looks on the verge of tears but I don't feel bad for him at all.

"I am. I just came to warn you and say  I'm sorry."

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