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Seungcheol pov

who turned out to be...............yoon jeonghan. My mind had stopped functioning. What was he doing here?

Jeonghan pov

It was choi seungcheol. I was beyond shocked. When I saw this ad on the school forum, It was wonwoo who encouraged me to get out from my parent's house.

'That house is not good for you. You know it.' He reminded me and I had agreed to meet the guy. And it was choi seungcheol. What do I do now?

'Ummm can you wait a moment?' he interrupted my chain of thought and I nodded lightly and he rushed out at the speed of lightning. I called junnie to help me with this.

'Hey Jeonghan hyung. What's up?'

'You know that roommate ad I answered to?'

'Yeah what about it?'

'It is choi seungcheol.' I said and he let out a almost inaudible sigh.

'Oh god what are you going to do?'

'I don't know. He looked at me and went out for a moment.'

'Hyung, you know you need this house. Let's leave the decision to him.'

'Okay. I'll talk to you later.' and with that I cut my call and looked outside to see seungcheol deep in conversation. I wonder what he'll want to do.

seungcheol pov

I rushed out and immediately conference called jihoon,soonyoung,seungkwan,mingyu,seokmin and minghao. They answered immediately.

'What is it?' Jihoon asks.

'You know that roommate ad seungkwan made.'

'Yeah you are supposed to meet the guy now right. How is he?' seungkwan asks

'It is yoon jeonghan.' I say and all of them gasp.

'Really!!!!' Soonyoung yells and they all break out in a inaudible conversation.

'Guys, help me.' I plead with them.

'Say no to him of course.' Mingyu says and there is a roar of approval.

'Let him in.' Seokmin says and protests start almost immediately after he finishes his sentence.

'Are you nuts?' Minghao asks

'Shut up minghao. What do you mean seokmin? You know he hurt you right?' I ask him.

'I know. But he must be really desperate if he is still there.' I look to find him still sitting there.'Hyung just let him come. You need this and looks like so does he.' 

'I'll see.' and with that I cut the call. I look inside the restaurant to find his still sitting there,playing with his phone. I don't know what to do but yet I head inside. He looks up and I realize how pretty he looks. His sharp cut features make him look hard and soft at the same time. His pink hair look good at him.

'What am I thinking?' I try to stop my thoughts and sit down in front of him. He looks up,slightly surprised.

'Why are you surprised?'

'I didn't expect you to come back.' He says and I notice how pretty his lips are. God I need to stop.

'Why are you still here? Aren't you embarrassed?' I ask him and he gives me a very dry smile in return.

'I have to get out of my house at any cost.' He tells me and I'm shocked at him. He looks at me,with no hint of embarrassment on his face.

'What if i say no?'

'Well then, I'll go back to my alcoholic dad and my mum who is a drug dealer.' I'm surprised at his openess to tell me, a virtual stranger,his life story.

'You can come live with me.' I say impulsively and his face gets the brightest smile I have ever seen.

'Can you come with me to my house though? All my stuff is ready to leave, I just need to go pick them up.' I nod and we start going out the restaurant. I wait outside while he locks up. We go and sit on the bus. There is a silence till he decides to break it.

'I'm so thankful. You have no idea how grateful I am.'

'I will be more grateful if you leave my friends and I alone.' I shoot back and his smile droops immediately.

'Even if my gang and I do, now that the school knows that you are my target,they will not leave you.' He says sadly and starts looking out the window. We sit in silence and get out at the bus stop to walk to his house. His house is pretty normal and looks like it belongs to a nice family. We walk in and he asks me to sit down. I sit down at the couch and wait for him. A loud sound is heard from the inside and I rush inside. Jeonghan is on the floor,his nose bleeding and his dad standing there. Jeonghan gets up,takes his bags and throws his keys at his father's face,grabs my hand and drags me out of the house. He knocks on the neighbour's door. The door is opened by a very pretty woman.

'Jeonghan,you must be here to give the ke.............WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU NOSE?' she asks and ushers him and me inside the house. She makes us sit down on the couch while she yells

'Yeonjun,get the first aid kit.'

'Is it jeonghan?' He yells back and she replies with a yes. Soon a guy,with bright blue hair walks in with a first aid kit. The woman grabs it from him and he sits down,questioning me.

'Who the hell are you?

'I'm choi seungcheol,jeonghan's new roommate.'

'You got a roommate?' The woman cuts in and jeonghan nods.

'Do you go to his school?How did you meet him?Are you sure you are a good guy?' The guy named yeonjun fires at me.

'I..........um.....' and jeonghan cuts in.

'Yeonjun hyung give him a break will you? Yeji noona tell him something.'

'Let him be,yeonjun.' The woman(who now had a name) says and he falls silent. Jeonghan soon gets up.

'That's enough noona. I'm leaving the keys here.' He drops the keys at the table.'I'll call you both soon. Now let me go. No,noona I do not need side dishes.' He tells the woman and she drops the bag. We walk out the house and catch the bus to home just in time. He breaks the silence by

'They are my neighbours. They are more like my parent than my original parents are.'

'Okay.' and we sit silently the whole way. We get out and walk home. It was a comfortable silence. I took some bags from jeonghan,despite the shorter's protests. We reach our building.

'We are up on the second floor.' He nods and starts following me. I open my house to see all of them sitting on the couch. It was going to be a long night.

Jeonghan pov

We enter our house and find all his friends sitting there,seokmin included. I avoid eye contact and look down. Suddenly,seungcheol holds my hand. That's when I know. It will be fine.

Author's note

Sorry for the late update. I was out for the weekend. I will try to update once more this week. I know yeonjun(txt) and yeji(itzy) are younger than them in real life. Their ages were changed to suit the fanfiction. 

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