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Double update because I felt like it. Woohoo. Enjoy yourselves. Mentions of homophobia. A little violence. A suicide attempt. Please skip if it makes you uncomfortable.

Seokmin  pov

"Hi omma and appa."

They continue to look at the walls. I don't think I have the strength to do this. Hyung holds my hand and sits down on the chair.

"Omma and appa,our minnie is in high school. He even came out as gay and confessed to his crush. It's nice, isn't it?" Hyung keeps talking and they continue to stare at the wall and say nothing. Chaeyeong noona comes soon and tells us to go take a walk with them. We go out and hyung still keeps talking.

"Look at the sky,dad. It's so pretty."

"Go away from here." Our mom speaks and we are shocked. 


"No son of mines are gays." Our dad says.

"Dad......please listen to me..........." and my dad slapped him.

"Just get the fuck away from us." He sits on top of him and starts beating the shit out of him. A attendant comes and disentangles them and takes our mom and dad inside. I sit on a bench with hyung. Chaeyeong noona comes with a first aid kit and starts cleaning his wounds.

"Noona, I want to talk to my brother alone." She goes away and we sit there.

"What is it hyung?"

'Minnie, I think it's time I tell you why they are here." I'm shocked as he never told me why they were here.

"Remember the myeongdong serial murders that happened when you were in 1st grade of middle school?" I nodded and dreaded the next thing he was going to say.

"Our parents did it minnie." 

I could not think. I could not breathe. What? All those innocent people were killed by............my parents. 

"Minnie, I think it's time we go." I get up and start walking to the bus. The whole journey was a blur. Thoughts kept running around my head. I got off and went straight to bed as soon as I got home. 

"Seokmin,what about dinner?"

"I don't wanna eat mingyu. Just leave me."

Mingyu pov

Seokmin locked himself in the room the moment he came in. I knew something bad must have happened. I go to seungcheol hyung's house. I'm outside the house when I hear him yell

"How can I trust you yoon jeonghan?"

I decide not to interrupt and go to get minghao instead. I knock on there door and hear a soft 'come in'. Inside minghao and seungkwan are having dinner.

"What is it mingyu?" Minghao asks

"Seokmin has locked himself in our room." Minghao immediately puts his food down and goes to our apartment. I follow him and see him banging on the door.

"Open the door minnie. Please. Talk to me baby." My heart breaks seeing hao like this. I also help him. There is no response. I break the door down. We open the door and hear the sound of running water. We walk in the bathroom to see seokmin drowned inside the tub. I scream and scream.

Seokmin pov

I go inside the bathroom. I fill the tub with water. I'm about to walk in when I hear minghao banging down my door.

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