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Seokmin pov

I see Soonyoung hyung in the cafe. Just as I was about to surprise him, I hear him talk.

"Bye Hoonie." He turns around and sees stunned to see me.

"So I guess Soonhoon is back huh?" I say and he stutters through some mess that I for the life of me can't understand.

"Soonyoung hyung?" I interrupt him.


"Congratulations. I'm really happy for you. You both are just perfect for each other. You both were also fucking miserable without one another."

"You are right enough there."

"Right about what?"

"Both things." We both laugh and start to walk back as both of us have lessons soon.

"How long has it been?"

"Five months." He has this radiant emanating from him. He just looks so fucking happy.

"You seem very happy hyung." He breaks into the biggest smile ever.

"I am happy Min. When am I gonna see you like this?" My floor comes before I can answer him and I take this opportunity to bolt out to the vocal practice room. I have a lesson with Haechan in 10 minutes. I take this time to cool down a bit. My phone lights up and I see it's a message notification from Minghao.

It's been five months and he's been trying really hard. Wonwoo hyung always says I should take as much time as I need. But sometimes it drives me crazy how much I miss him and want him back instantly. But other times I want him to work for it. It drives me fucking crazy. I decide to talk to Seungcheol hyung about this. He just always knows what's the right thing to do. My train of thought is broken my Haechan entering.

"I'm sorry I'm late seonsaengnim." I look at the time and realize he's ten minutes late.

"It's okay Donghyuk. Let's begin." We begin our lesson and I shelve my thoughts for later.

Seungcheol pov

After closing up the store, I head to the chicken place Seokmin wanted to meet me at. Jeonghan already picked up Dasom from the daycare and Jeonghan and Chan are spending some bonding time with each other while looking after her. I enter and immediately spot Seokmin and make my way over him. 


"Min-a." Our food arrives and I look at him questioningly.

"I ordered for us already."

"And I'm gonna pay for it. No arguments." He just smiles at me.

"So what's up?" I ask him.

Even though he asked me here, he seems taken aback at the question. He takes a large gulp of his beer.

"During the opening of Mingyu's daycare, Minghao took me aside and told me he still loved me. He told me he's willing to do anything to keep me by his side. So I gave him a chance to earn my trust back."

I had many emotions going through after taking all the information in. But I choose to hide them and tackle this logically.

"The opening of his daycare was five months back."

"That's correct."

"Okay and how is he doing at his task?"

"He's doing such a fucking good job hyung. And that scares me." Hearing my brother this upset tears my heart out. I just wanna make him feel better as soon as possible.

"Why does it scare you Min?" 

"Because I don't know what I want. Sometimes I wanna keep making him work for it and hurt him just like he did to me. But sometimes I just want him in my arms because I miss him so fucking much."



"How often do you think about still making him work for it?"

"Like once in a blue moon."

"And how often do you miss him?" 

"All the fucking time." His voice is so raw with emotions that I physically have to control myself before I start crying.

"Then I think you know what you really want." He looks at me and his eyes have that steely determination.

"Yeah I do."

Minghao pov

I love unwinding after a day at work. I love my job but some days, you just get douchebag customers one after the other. Today was one such day. I look at my phone and see that Seokmin hasn't even seen the message I sent him during my lunch break. 

It has been five months since I told him that I'm gonna fight to get him back. I have tried my hardest since then. We go out for dinner together 2-3 times a week, we text a lot more. Sometimes I randomly call him and listen to him talk about work. Just talking to him again made me realize just what a sunshine this man is and what a huge idiot I was for letting a man like this go. Not to say that Jihoon hyung is a bad person or anything, but Minnie (mine as my subconscious likes to think) is such a perfect man for me that I feel stupid for letting him go. 

Through the music, I hear the doorbell. Since I had not ordered any food and I had no plans with anyone, I couldn't guess who it was. But Seokmin would've been my last guess. And yet here he was standing in front of my door, looking a little out of breath.



"What are you doing here?" I gesture for him to come in and he does. I sit down next to him on the couch after getting a glass of wine for him.

"So what's up?" I attempt to keep my voice casual.

"Hao, I'm willing to try us again." 

The words that I've been waiting to hear for so long are finally here. My heart fills with elation as I let him words reverberate in my head and heart. Soon enough I realize that I've been silent for way too long soaking up the beauty of those words that I so longed to hear.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." I wish he could see and feel just how happy I actually am. I desperately hope my face is conveying the infinite amount of happiness I feel inside. 

"I am finally happy too. Happy to have you beside me. You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I missed you a lot more Minnie. Sometimes I wondered if you were gonna reject me even after this. But all the struggles and insecurities I faced in these past five months seems so worth it now that you've decided to be beside me." 

He leans in closer and I open my arms to hug him. We remain like this for a bit.

"Hao." His voice is a bit muffled since it's buried in my chest.


"Can I stay the night?" My hold on him slackens and my mind wanders over to the implications of that statement.

"That's a dangerous statement Lee Seokmin."

"I meant just to sleep you pervert."

 Rest assured, we did not sleep at all.

I think the next chapter might be the last one. Or might take two chapter because I have the plot ready for the last chapter but might have to separate it in two if it's too long. 

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