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Jeonghan pov

I was on my way up to the roof with wonwoo. We were going to smoke for a while when I heard someone scream. It sounded terrible. I start to head there but wonwoo stops me.

"Since when did we become do gooders?"

"Since I have ruined seungcheol's life" 

It was true. I had ruined someone's life completely. For some reason, it didn't bother me when I did it to those Australian people. But this time, when it was being done to seungcheol, I couldn't seem to bear it. He took me in and I ruined his life. People did bad things to them because of me. I start to walk faster and the sounds of screaming worse. Even the heartless wonwoo seems concerned. When we walk inside, the people run outside and leave us with a horrifying site.

It was seungcheol. There was blood everywhere. The metallic smell of blood and the smell of burnt skin permeated the air. As I got closer, I could see a huge burn mark on his inner thigh.

"Jeonghan." is the only thing he is able to whisper before he faints.

"That is horrifying." Wonwoo says

"Come on. Help me lift him." We lift him together and take to the medical facility. We have medical rooms on every floor. We enter the room and a nurse follows us. He looks horrified at the sight.

"Oh my god. What happened to him?" He asks us.

"We have no idea. By the time I found him, he was unconscious. Please help him." I can hear the desperation in my voice. The thing is I was desperate. I really wanted to make things right. The nurse puts him down on the bed and start treating his wounds. He is finishing bandages when seungcheol wakes up.

"What am I doing here nurse Jin?" is the first thing he asks as soon as he is awake.

"These gentlemen brought you here." Nurse Jin moves so seungcheol could see us.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Haven't you ruined my life enough?" He limps out of the room, despite the nurse's protest.

Seungcheol pov

By the time I finish telling them everything, they all look in range of disgusted to horrified.

"Hyung are you sure you should be here?" Seokmin asks me.

"I'm fine min." I'm trying to reassure my brother but I don't think it's working.

"Why would jeonghan help you though?" Soonyoung asks. It was also something I was wondering about. Why would my life ruiner suddenly want to help me?

"I don't know Soon." We all decide to go to our classes. On my way, I change my mind and decide to go to the roof. Guess who I ran into there?

Jun pov

Jeonghan hyung and I were up on the roof. I took him there because I really had to tell him something.

"Hyung, I need to tell you something." I'm nervous as hell.

"What is it junnie?" But before I could say anything, the door opens and choi seungcheol walks in.

"Seungie, what are you doing here?" 

Seungie??? What the fuck???

"I have told you not to call me that several times. Anyways, I have to ask you something." I get up, thinking about leaving when seungcheol stops me.

"You don't have to go." I sit back down next to jeonghan hyung.

"Why did you save me ?" He really is blunt.

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