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Chan pov

It has been two years since Hansol proposed to me and a year since we graduated. A lot has changed in all our lives since then. I teach dance at a dance academy and Hansol works as a rap trainer in the same company as Soonyoung and Seokmin hyung. I think it's nice that they all found work together. The feel of the makeup brush against my skin brings my attention to the reality.

"You look so handsome my baby brother." Jeonghan hyung remarks standing behind as Minghao hyung attacks me with makeup.

"Thank you Minghao hyung for helping me with the hair and makeup. And providing the clothes."

"That's what family does Channie." He smiles at me and continues to do my makeup.

"Hao are you in here?" I hear Seokmin hyung's voice.

"I'm here Minnie." His voice gets this softness that makes me cringe. They both have been together for the past two years, with Seokmin hyung moving in with Minghao hyung four months ago. While they fight like any other couple, I've never seen them happier than they are right now.

Four months ago

"The place looks good hyung." Hansol says as all of us eat some black bean noodles after a long day of helping the couple shift.

"I'm very happy to finally take this next step with him. I was worried he was gonna say no because we are moving too fast." Minghao hyung truly sounds so damn happy.

"I couldn't possibly say no. I love you and want to take steps with you for our future together. I spent too much of my time here anyways. His apartment is so much better than mine." Seokmin hyung says.

"It's our apartment now Minnie."

"Yes, it's ours now." I couldn't fathom these words being as powerful as till I heard Seokmin hyung say them. 

Back to the present

"Wow Chan you look amazing. But this really doesn't feel like a wedding outfit you know."

"I told him the exact same thing but he insisted on getting it." Minghao hyung steps away and I get a look at myself in the mirror.

"You look hot as hell Channie. Hansol's not gonna be able to keep his hands off you." Seokmin hyung says.

"That's my brother you're talking about." Jeonghan hyung piques up, sounding scandalized.

"Don't pretend you don't know they do it Jeonghan-a. Channie you really do look really hot" I hear Seungcheol hyung as he joins us in the room.

"I'm not pretending anything. I just don't wanna think about my little brother's sex life. I'm sure you feel the same way about Seokmin" Jeonghan hyung says.

"Well while it certainly makes me uncomfortable to think about, I can't deny that they would be having sex like any other couple."

"Hyung please stop talking about this." Seokmin hyung says and he looks so mortified.

"Your wish is my command." Seungcheol hyung teases me and looks like he's barely controlling his laughter.

"Minghao save me." He runs into Minghao hyung's arms and Minghao hyung just laughs as he takes him in his arms.

"Jeonghan hyung control your husband." Minghao hyung speaks up.

One and a half years back

"We both went to the court and got married this afternoon." Seungcheol hyung announces. There is silence for about a minute while we let his words sink in.

"I wish you told us hyung." Jihoon hyung speaks up and he seems particularly more sad.

"It was a spur of the moment. I just couldn't wait anymore to call my Cheollie my husband. He said he felt the same so we went down to the court and got married." Jeonghan hyung says and though all of us were very annoyed that we couldn't be a part of this experience, all of us were definitely happy for them.

"Jihoonie?" Seungcheol hyung says and all eyes go directly on him.

"I'm really happy for you hyung. You should know that. I just wish I could've been there." He finally looks up and though there's a hint of annoyance and sadness in his eyes, he does look mostly happy.

"Congratulations to both the hyungs. You both deserve all the happiness." Wonwoo hyung says.

Back to the present

Soonyoung hyung pokes his head through the door.

"Hansol is ready and is waiting for you signal. By the way, you look incredible Channie."

"I am ready hyung." It's go time. All of them leave the room to take their places till I'm left with Jeonghan hyung and Seungcheol hyung.

"I'm so happy for you Channie. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I know I lacked in many ways but I hope Hansol makes up for it." 

"Hyung you didn't lack anything. I love you and I love what we both made of our lives." I say and he wipes his tears.

"Yeah I got pretty lucky." He looks at Seungcheol hyung, who's giving the biggest smile back to him.

"I am lucky too Hannie." Their love is so pure that I wish my marriage goes like that as well.

"Where's Dasom by the way?" I ask just before we leave.

"She's with Mingyu and Eunwoo." Seungcheol hyung says.

"Sometimes I think she likes Mingyu more than us." Jeonghan hyung says.

"That's definitely not true hyungs." I say. They both laugh which peters out into a comfortable silence.

"You ready Chan-a?" Jeonghan hyung asks breaking the silence.

"I'm ready."

"Then let's go."

We walk out the tent, my arms around theirs. Our wedding was a simple wedding in the park. While it was not the fanciest wedding, everyone I cared about was here and that's all that mattered. I was really happy with everything. As the starting notes of wedding march hit my ears, I begin to walk towards my happy future with the all my family there and my two parents/brothers.

 As the starting notes of wedding march hit my ears, I begin to walk towards my happy future with the all my family there and my two parents/brothers

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(The wedding venue)

The last chapter pt 2 will be coming soon.

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