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Hansol pov

It was minghao standing outside our door.

"Who is it?" Jun hyung asks from inside.

"It's Minghao." He gets up and comes to the door.

"You came." Jun hyung looks happy. I'm getting more and more confused. 

"Yeah. I'm not saying I have forgiven you completely but I want to get to know you and then maybe I'll forgive you." Minghao says.

"That much is enough." Jun hyung has tears in his eyes but his smile is the widest I have ever seen.

"Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?" I demand.

"Sit down sollie." We all sit down and he fills me in. I'm quite shocked and confused.

"So he is your brother?" I ask for the 100th time.

"Yes sollie." Jun hyung is sitting next to his brother but they both looked so uncomfortable.

"I would also like for you to not tell anyone." Minghao speaks up.

"You don't have to talk so formal." He scowls.

"Seungcheol hyung always taught us to be polite to strangers." His emphasis on stranger was not missed. 

"Well I'll be with my boyfriend now. Don't worry I will not tell him." I walk out of the apartment and go towards my boyfriend's house.

Minghao pov

There was a lot of awkwardness between us. But that was to be expected I guess.

"So how far along are you?"  I ask (italics means mandarin)

"5 weeks now."

"When is your checkup?"

"Next week. Why?"

"I want to come with you."

"Seungcheol and jeonghan hyung are going with me but of course you can also come. They are gonna be your niece/nephew after all." Hyung has the prettiest smile at the moment.

"Who is the father?"

"Jeon Wonwoo. My best friend/crush"

"You like him? I thought you guys were just friends."

"I wish I could control how I feel. He sees me as nothing but a friend."

"Is he gonna help you with the baby?"

"He says he will but I don't want him to."

"Why not?"

"I would rather my child has a loving family than to explain why his dad dosen't live with us or why he dosen't spend more time."

"I wanna be part of the loving family gege."

"Did you just call me that?"

"Yes. I want to ...."

"Uhhhmmmm" We look up and it is....

Joshua pov

I was going to see Vernon at the house. I was about to knock when I hear noises at the door. It sounded as though they were speaking mandarin. I walk inside and see Jun and someone from seungcheol's bunch talking to each other.

"Uhhhhhmmmmm." I clear my throat real loud and they both look up and see me.

"Oh Joshi Hyung." Jun come running towards me.

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