Seungcheol birthday special

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Seungcheol pov

It is my birthday today. I roll over to see my phone but I see no messages wishing me. I knew they hadn't forgotten. I run to the bathroom for my daily dose of morning sickness. After pouring out the entire content of my stomach, I went to the kitchen. I see a covered dish with a rose and a note stuck on it. The note read,


I'm so sorry for ditching you like this but I got an emergency. A very rich customer gave us an order and the head called everybody. I made some samgyetang for you. Heat it up before eating. Sorry love.


I lift up the dish and put it in the microwave. I was highly annoyed right now. I was alone and 5 months pregnant. It was his baby I was carrying. The least he could do was wish me. I quickly eat the soup and head to work. I go inside and see one of the workers putting the chairs.

"Atleast put the chairs right idiot." How can you mess up putting a chair. I go to the storage room to check on the supplies. Everything was in the right number so I head to see yesterday's incomes and the financial aspects. The customers have started rolling in by the time I finish looking over the finances. Just as I decide to start inventory, a worker comes inside.



"Someone is asking for you."

"What stupid thing have you done now?" I angrily slam down the sheets and head out. A customer was standing with coffee on his shirt and a very angry face.

"How can I help you?" I'm trying to keep calm.

"I asked for a green tea frappe but he gave me black coffee. When I tried to return it, he kept forcing me to take it but I refused and it fell all over my shirt." 

"I'm so sorry. Let me give you a green tea frappe on the house. You, inside right now." I am surprised by my own voice. He meekly follows me inside.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IF IT IS NOT A CORRECT ORDER, GET THEM A NEW ONE AND GET OVER WITH IT. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DROP IT ON THEM YOU IDIOT? GET OUT OF THE CAFE RIGHT NOW. NOW." He runs for his life while I settle down on the chair. The door opens once more to reveal Hongjoong hyung with his husband.

"Hi Cheollie."

"Hey hyungs."

"Is something bothering you? You never yell this much on a mistake." Seonghwa hyung, his husband asks. I can no longer hold it and I burst out in tears. They look shocked but quickly come and hug me.

"Hush don't cry. Your baby can hear you. He/She will be feeling so bad right now." I quite down a bit. I just wanted to get out for a while.

"Hey, how about I take you for some ice cream?" Seonghwa hyung says and I nod. I follow him to his car and we drive off. I don't even notice when I fall asleep. After a while, I'm awoken by a soft and familiar voice.

"Get up  love." My eyes open and I see Jeonghan there.

"What are you doing here?" I get out of the car.

"Happy Birthday Love." He has a pure white cake in his hands.

"Follow me.  All our friends are waiting." I follow him inside this restaurant and see Joshua, Jun, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Soonyoung, Seokmin, Minghao, Hansol, Chan, Hongjoong hyung, Seonghwa hyung and a cardboard Seungkwan.

"Happy Birthday" They yell out at the top of their voice and I break down. Jeonghan goes down to keep the cake.

"Listen, I know you said you wanted to know the gender but I didn't let you. So if you cut this cake, you will know the gender." I look at him in surprise. He puts the knife in my hand. My hands are trembling as I cut the cake.  The inside is pink.

"We are having a girl?" I ask him.

"We are having a girl Cheollie."

"Oh my god." All of them come running towards me and we have a group hug. I had never felt more loved in my life. I was so glad to have them in my life.

I'm so sorry for the shitty chapter. I know it's the day after his birthday but I was sick. I'm getting better but still not at my best. I know it's late but happy birthday to the best leader, Choi Seungcheol.

 I know it's late but happy birthday to the best leader, Choi Seungcheol

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I'm gonna stop now

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I'm gonna stop now. I just love him so much.

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