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Seungcheol pov

Jeonghan and I were finally left alone for a little. Some of them had gone to check on Minghao and some of them to make arrangements for Junnie and I to be in the same room.

"Have you seen Minnie anywhere?" I ask Jeonghan.

"No and I'm very worried about him. He looks like something is bothering him. But right now, we need to focus on our little Dasom." He picks her up and puts her in my hand. She's so tiny in my arms.

"We did it Hannie. Our little sunshine is here." He lightly kisses my forehead before responding to me.

"You know he really looks a lot like you."

"She is so beautiful." I look up and Jeonghan gives me the biggest smile ever. At that time, I completely forgot about Seokmin or Jun and everyone else. I was happy. My family was complete.

A few hours later

Minghao had come over to our room. By the time he finished telling us his interaction with Seokmin, his tears were freely flowing down his face.

"Oh my poor brother. Come here." Minghao gets up to go cuddle his brother. It flares a jealousy in me that I've never felt before. I've been the one looking after Minghao since long before Jun came into the picture.

"What should I do Cheollie hyung?" He looks at me but my anger is too high.

"I don't know. Ask Junnie or something." My cold tone takes both of them by complete surprise. Before they could say anything, I pull the blanket over my head.

Hansol pov

I was hanging out with my brother.

(The conversation is in English)

"I can't believe you took the gun from Jun's dad and hit him with it." I was laying on the sofa and Joshua hyung was on the floor looking through some papers.

"Oh god don't remind me."

"I swear to god for a minute I thought you might kill him or something."

"I'm a man of God Vernon. I would never commit a sin like that."

"Can I ask you something?" My serious tone makes him look up. There's a thought that I've been having for a while but I would not go through it without my brother's permission.

"Of course."

"I wanna ask Chan to marry me."

Several months later

Mingyu pov

Boo Seungkwan Day Care was finally complete. The building was finished and workers for the daycare had been found and signed. I had chosen his birthday as the opening day for the centre. All my friends were gonna show up, despite the strained relationships between some of them. I was just sitting on the steps when Jeonghan hyung and Seungcheol hyung showed up with the 10 month old Dasom.

"Hyung." I run and hug both of them, pushing them behind a little.

"And there's my beautiful Sommie." Seungcheol hands me to her and lets me play with her for a bit.

"Now that this is open, we'll leave Dasom here." Jeonghan hyung says.

"I can spend all day with my beautiful girl."

Just as we were talking, Jun and Wonwoo arrive with Areum.

"Areum." She looks up and gives a big smile.

"Mingyu uncle." She runs and I pick her up, twirling her around.

"God this guy was basically made for children." Junnie hyung says. I've always wanted children but I dismissed that thought soon after I realized that the person I wanted to have children with is no longer here. Areum gets down from my arms and all of them except Jeonghan hyung goes in for a tour with one of my employees.

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