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Jihoon pov

"Mr. Boo Seungkwan is dead.".

There is a terrible silence at this proclamation. Time seemed to have stopped. His words were reverberating in my head.


Suddenly a terrible scream is  heard. Seungcheol hyung is down on his knees, screaming and crying at the same time. All of us were too stunned to do anything. Seungcheol hyung was the calm centre, the rock of our group. We had never seen him so broken. To see him break down like that broke our hearts. Jeonghan sits down next to him.

"HE CANNOT BE DEAD. HE CANNOT.." Seungcheol was yelling.

"Cheoll-a, please calm down." There were tears streaming down his face as well.

"HOW CAN HE BE DEAD? HE HAD SO MANY DREAMS LEFT TO COMPLETE. HE WANTED TO WORK AS A KINDERGARDEN TEACHER AND WANTED TO BECOME A FATHER." He seems unable to continue after that and buries his face in his hand. We all sit down next to him and together we cry and let out our grief. 

"Would you like to see your friend?" The doctor asks us really gently, as if afraid to break us.

I didn't want to see him. It would confirm the fact that he is dead. I didn't want to believe it. But the others had already agreed and were heading there so I dragged myself off the floor and followed them. Even though Jeonghan hyung's friends hadn't even known them for a long time, they still shed tears with us. We enter the room and his body was covered by a white cloth. I didn't want to do this. I bury my head into the nearest person's chest.

"You don't have to do this hyung." I look up and see it is Chan. 

"I just don't want to believe he is dead. I have known him for so long. I just don't wanna believe it." I keep crying in his chest.

"I know hyung." He keeps patting my hair and even though I hate it in general,it seemed to calm me down today. I gather my strength and walk up to the table. Seungkwan is lying on the table with the most peaceful expression I had ever seen on his face.

That's when I stopped crying. Because now I knew he was in a better place than this stupid world we live in now.

The world didn't deserve a person like you Seungkwan.

Minghao pov

It has been three days since Seungkwan has died. Jeonghan hyung and his group were making arrangements for his funeral while I was cleaning out his room. Mingyu was helping me but we weren't making much progress. All we had done was take out his several posters of 2nd generation groups. Seungcheol hyung popped his head into the room.

"Come on people, hurry up." He joined us and it speeded up the process. We came across his personal diary. Now that he was dead, we didn't feel too guilty reading this. We opened the latest entry and read it. It was the day before he died.

September 20

Today was such a great day. Seungcheol hyung tried to cook dinner but it burnt so bad that I laughed till I cried. In the end, we ended up having ramen for dinner. Seokmin and Mingyu hyung made it because they make one hell of ramen. School was very usual. I couldn't go to first period because Hyunjin, Minho and Changbin caught me alone again and decided to beat the crap out of me. Thank god my first and second period was not shared with anybody from our group otherwise there would have been awkward questions. I cleaned up and went for third period. Thank God I had bruises only in my chest and stomach. Atleast I could hide them easily. The only problem was that gym class became much much harder. When I went for lunch, I realized that those sons of bitches stole my money. I pretended that I wasn't hungry. But Mingyu didn't believe me and shared his lunch with me. I swear I'm falling for this boy more everyday.

The entry ended there and there were tears falling from all our eyes. We shut the diary and dissolve into tears once more. Mingyu runs out of the room.

"Go after him. I'll clean his room." Seungcheol hyung says and I run out of the room after him. I know where he was going. 

Mingyu pov

I head to the roof and let my tears fall and screams heard. Minghao comes and sits next to me.

"Mingyu-ya." He says softly.

"Fuck man. HOW CAN HE BE GONE?" I am screaming and breaking everything that is coming in my hands.

"Mingyu listen to me." He says a little louder.

"Those bastards will pay for what they did." The blood is pounding in my ears and I can think about nothing except for my revenge on them.

"MINGYU." His voice brings me back. He was gripping my shoulder rather tightly and shaking me.

"Mingyu listen to me. You have to calm down. Don't do anything in anger." 

I pretended to calm down to show him I was not immediately doing anything. I wasn't going to do anything now. But that didn't mean that my thirst for revenge was over. I was gonna get those sons of bitches back for what they did. Minghao and I start to head downstairs where there is a surprise for us.

Things will get better soon. How far do you think Mingyu would go for his revenge?

P.S- I apologize for using stray kids members as the bad people. I love all of them with all my heart.

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