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Jeonghan pov

Mingyu looks a little taken aback.

"What do you mean forget about Seungkwan?"

"Mingyu ya all this time you have been living it's been for Seungkwan. I want you to live for yourself now. I want you to give yourself a chance to be happy."

"I don't know how to do that hyung. All this time I had a purpose. If I let go of Seungkwan then my life will become meaningless. Hyung that's fucking scary."

"Of course that's scary. To suddenly have no purpose. But now you finally have time to find out about what you wanna do in your life. I want you to have a purpose in life that is yours."

Mingyu had folded into me at this point. I hold him and just let him calm himself down.

"What about the business?"

"Letting go of Seungkwan doesn't mean you leave your daycare centre you idiot. I was talking about other stuff. Dating for instance."

"Oh come on hyung." He looks embarrassed and buries himself in my chest.

"Why Mingyu ya? You are a young handsome man with your own business. You are a highly eligible person you know."

"Thank you hyung."

"Are you Kim Mingyu shi?"

We both look up to see one of the most stunning man I have ever seen in my life. Not that he can compare to my Cheollie but it would be stupid to not to think of that man as absolutely handsome.

"Yes I am." He finally answers after getting out of his reverie.

"I am Cha Eun Woo. I was wondering when the centre would begin working and it's prices. I have been looking for a daycare centre for a very long while but none of them are this close to my house."

"Mingyu ya I will see you inside." Leaving a very flustered Mingyu outside.

Soonyoung pov

I haven't seen or heard from Jihoon since our time in the hospital. I didn't reach out to him either. His mind is completely confused about us and I don't want to get caught in the crossfire. Today it would be inevitable to see him though. Mingyu was like our little brother and there was no way he or I would not come to the opening. As I enter, I see Mingyu outside very flustered talking to one of the most handsome men I have ever seen. I stroll around for a bit before I am stopped by a man.

"Hi." I look up and see some stranger.

"Hello. Do you need help?"

"I was wondering if you knew where the owner was."

"He's standing outside in a suit talking to that ridiculously handsome man." He chuckles before replying to me.

"That ridiculously handsome man would be my friend searching for the owner as well. I was helping him search for him but I guess he found him already."

"That's great." The conversation petered out in a awkward silence. He seemed unable to go away but had nothing left to say either. This time I tried to start a conversation with him.

"What's your name?"

"Park Jinwoo" (Astro's JinJin for those who don't know)

"Tell me more about yourself Jinwoo shi"

We stand and talk for a bit and get to know each other. His attempts to flirt throughout our conversation does not go unnoticed by me. Here's a perfectly fine man attempting to flirt with but I'm unable to think about anyone but Lee fucking Jihoon. However, I know I have to move on and Jinwoo (who through our conversation I figured is the same age) seems like the perfect person to start me on that journey. That thought however is cut short with the emergence of Jihoon on that room.

"I'm so sorry but can I borrow Soonyoung from you?" His voice is polite but I know this man. Behind this politeness is a sense of urgency and stormy rage.

"Of course. But may I ask who you are?" Jinwoo seems unaware of Jihoon's real emotions.

"He's my friend Jinwoo ya. We are both friends of the owner Kim Mingyu." I cut in before Jihoon could answer something that would ruin my progress with Jinwoo. His eyes darken even further.

"Of course. I too should go search for my friend before he embarrasses himself further. He's become terrible in flirting ever since he's become a single dad. Before I go can I get your number Soonyoung?"

I give him my number and he departs.

"What is it Jihoon?"

"Having fun flirting?"

"Well I was."

"You fucking asshole."

"Oh no Lee Jihoon you don't get to say that. You were the one who slept with me and then decided to call it a one night stand. You were the one who cuddled me on the hospital and told me it was a dream." He visibly gasped at that. I continued on.

"So don't call me an asshole because I want to move on. The day we slept together I asked you if you wanted to be with me and you said no. Now I'm here taking my shot at finding love again and you don't get to stand here and tell me not to do it. You lost your fucking chance."

Jihoon is stunned into silence. For a while, there is no noise in the room besides the hustle in the building.

"I'm sorry Soonyoung."

Chan pov

"I know we are very young. I know we still have 2 years to go before completing college. But I just love you so much. You make me so damn happy. I'm not saying we should get married immediately. But when the time comes, I want you to be by my side. So Lee Chan will you marry me?"

I can feel Jun hyung, Wonwoo hyung and Joshua hyung's eyes on me as they wait for me to answer. I love him. I really do but can I really be the perfect person for him the way he is for me?

"Channie baby please say something."

"Hyung why would I not want to marry you? But I'm not the most eligible person to be your husband. You know what my family is like." I bite down on my lower lip until Hansol hyung gets up and release my lower lip from the treacherous grip.

"Channie how many times do I have to tell you? That's not your fucking family. Jeonghan hyung, Seungcheol hyung, Jisoo hyung, Jun hyung, Wonwoo hyung, Jihoon hyung, Soonyoung hyung, Minghao hyung, Seokmin hyung, Mingyu hyung and fuck even Seungkwan hyung till when he was alive are your fucking family. Why do you care for your blood family when you have a bigger family that loves you a hundred times more? I wanna be your family Chan if you'd let me be. So what do you say?"

He's out of breath by the time his speech is over.

"I wanna marry you Chwe Hansol."

Rest in Peace Moonbin

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Rest in Peace Moonbin

I'm sorry for using the Astro members but I wrote this before Moonbin's death and Eunwoo just seemed like the perfect character for Mingyu.

You'll also notice that I'm posting with more frequency. I have a lot of time right now and I'm hoping to finish this fic by this summer. Let's see.

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