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Seokmin pov

"What do you mean he is gone?" Jihoon speaks up. They had been both close after all.

"He left me a letter saying he is going to Japan. He says he wants to start a new life." I say so low so I wonder if they will even hear me.

"Where is this letter?" Seungcheol hyung demands.

"In my bedroom." He runs to go get it while Minghao comes and takes my hand in his and squeezes it real hard. I just stand there with my head down. I hear the door open and see him with the letter.

"What does it say hyung?" Jun hyung says.

"Read it out." Chan demands.

With his voice quavering, he starts reading the letter.


I'm so sorry for doing this. I just realized the longer I stay in Korea, the more my memories and traumas are gonna lead me to do things I don't want. Being here reminds me too much of Seungkwan. I know it seems sudden but I'm going to Japan. I'm gonna start a new life somewhere else. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I got the top marks in Japanese. I will manage my life there. I just knew I can't be here much longer. Tell the others, especially Seungcheol hyung that I'm so sorry for abandoning you all. I don't know when I will be back, but that dosen't mean I've forgotten everything you all did to help me. I hope your life goes well and once again I'm so sorry.


He drops the letter and dissolves in tears. He drops down to the floor and starts crying. All of us form this circle around him and together, we shed tears at another loss.

Wonwoo pov

Junnie and I were walking back home together.

"Why can't we just be happy?" He suddenly says.

"He would have wanted us to be happy. All we can do is prepare for when our little girl is coming." I reply but his face still looks miserable.

"Come on Junnie. We are about to be parents in 5 months." He looks a little happier.

"But how are gonna financially manage it? What about naming her? Clothes?"

"We'll manage it. We have friends who can help us. As for he name, I have a idea." I tell him shyly and he turns around surprised.

"Really? Tell me."

"Well for a boy, I thought Hang Gyeol and for a girl, I thought Areum." He looks at me and gives me a bright smile.

"I love the name Areum. A beautiful name for our beautiful baby." 

Being with Jun for the past few months, I had started having odd feelings for him. Suddenly, whenever he smiled, I blushed like crazy and thought of kissing him quite often. The thing was that I never thought much of my sexuality. I just always thought I would be straight. Falling for a man who was my best friend was quite scary for me.



"I might be gay."

Jihoon pov

I was at home sitting in our bedroom. Soonyoung saw that I wanted to be alone so he left to sit in the living room. Mingyu and I had been friends for almost as long as I remembered. We were never the cheesy "I-love-you" saying kind but I wish I had. A small and rational part of me understood him, but as his friend for almost my whole life, I was badly hurt. He didn't leave me a message. I lay in bed for what felt like hours, numb with pain of leaving. Suddenly my phone pings. I look and it's a message from Mingyu.

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