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Hansol pov

Two months had passed since Seungkwan's death. The summer was coming and that meant two things.

One,the final exams were upon us.

Two, Jun hyung's first trimester was over.

I was sleeping when I heard Jun hyung puking. I immediately ran over with a bottle of water. He was bent over the toilet.

"Are you fine hyung?" I ask as I hand him the bottle of water.

"Do I look fine to you?" He replies sarcastically as he chugs water.

"I'll make breakfast." I knew he was like this because of the hormones but that didn't make him any less unpleasant. I go to the kitchen to realize Wonwoo hyung is already there.

"Can I talk to you Sollie?" 

"Sure." I gesture for him to start talking.

"Do you think that you can move somewhere else till Junnie's pregnancy is over." 

"Where will I stay?" 

"You can stay with Minghao where Kwannie lived. He is unable to pay rent alone so you'll be of great help. Plus I'll be able to help Junnie." 

I considered his request carefully. Don't get me wrong, I love Jun hyung but he is being so impossible these days. Days away from him will help me. But how can I live in the room of one of my dead friends?

"I'll consider it." I tell him and Jun hyung comes out.

"How are you feeling Junnie?" Wonwoo hyung sidles over to him and for the entire breakfast time, it was like I didn't exist.

"I am going." They were paying no attention anyways. I was meeting Chan early so we could study together in the library. I reach the library to see him sleeping with his head in the desk.

"Get up love." He digs his head deeper inside his hand. I backhug him and gently pull him up. 

"Sollie hyung?" He mutters sleepily.

"We have to study." He sits up and takes out his textbook.

"Why were you sleeping here?" I ask him casually.

"I got up too early because of dad. Since jeonghan hyung is not home to comfort me, I just came here."

"Let's live together." The words tumble out of me before I can stop myself.


"It's just that Wonwoo hyung is moving in my house to take care of Jun hyung. I was thinking about shifting in Seungkwan's empty room. Come live with us." I say all of this much too quickly. I really loved him and wanted him to say yes.

"Let's do that."

"WHAT?" I shout too loud and several people who were studying glared at me.

"I mean you just offered. How come you are so surprised??" He says laughing.

"You seriously wanna do that?" I confirm.

"I mean let's talk to Minghao hyung first. Now can we study?" 

I nod and bend over to read the notes  but not much is going through me. 

Jeonghan pov

Seungcheol and I were going great. We hadn't officially asked out each other but we went on dates and kissed each other. I wanted to ask him officially but whenever I tried to bring the subject up, he would change the topic. I went to ask Seokmin for help.

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