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Seungcheol pov

It is silent. Nobody says a thing. They just look up and down at jeonghan, like he is some animal in the zoo. I hold his hand, hoping it'll give him strength. 

'So....................' Seungkwan starts and I'm glad someone is talking.

'I'm just gonna ask what's on everyone's mind. Why did you let yoon jeonghan here? Do you have no shame? Do you not love seokmin?' Seungkwan throws questions at me and if looks could kill, I would have died several times over from the look he was giving me. Jeonghan squeezes my hand and it gives me strength.

'I let jeonghan in because he is also one of us. His parents are as bad as some of ours. I have shame but I also have compassion. I love seokmin more than you love mingyu.' Seungkwan starts blushing and mingyu starts laughing.

'What do you mean as bad as us?' Mingyu asks us.

'My mom is a drug dealer and my dad is an abusive alcoholic.' Jeonghan fills them in and a shocked silence fills them. They know they are contemplating whether they wanna let him be here or not.

'Guys, he promises that his gang will avoid us. This is my house and I get to decide who will be here. Now please go from here.' I cut the silence and the air becomes heavy. Soon they start to fill out my house. We are now alone.

Jeonghan pov

'Well that was....................unpleasant.'

'No shit, sherlock.' He says and we start laughing.

It'll be alright.

Mingyu pov

I  was at my apartment with seokmin. We were both on the couch,cuddling as we watched a movie on netflix.

'You know seungkwan will kill me if he sees me like this right?' Seokmin tells me and I box him playfully on the arm.

'Seungkwan and I are just FRIENDS!!!!!' I yell the last word in his ear,causing him to to throw me on the floor. I  pull him down with me and he falls on top of me. We are both laughing as we lay down.  We soon hear someone clear his throat on our door. It was seungkwan.

'Well, I was gonna come ask if you wanted to get ice cream with minghao and I but you obviously are busy.' He slams the door shut. I'm thoroughly confused. Why would seungkwan be so angry? He had seen seokmin and I cuddle before so many times before. Did he............actually like me?

It couldn't be.

Seungkwan pov

I see seokmin on top of mingyu and I get...........angry. I clear my throat. They turn around and look at me, mingyu confused and seokmin apologetic.

'Well, I was gonna come ask if you wanted to get ice cream with minghao and I but you obviously are busy.'  I slam the door and run to my house. Minghao was there,playing with his phone.

'So what did they sa.......... what happened to you kwannie?'

'Nothing. Let's just go get ice cream.' I pull him up and we leave together. We walk two blocks to get to the ice cream. 

'What do you want?' I ask him

'Mint choco'

'Okay. 2 scoops of mint choco and 2 of strawberry.' He hands me the ice cream and I pay for it.

'Aish boo why would you pay? I can pay for my own.'

'It's okay.'

We take our ice creams and go sit in the nearby park.

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