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Mingyu pov

It was the end of exams. Which meant that summer was here. As I walk out of the exam hall, Seokmin sudddenly hurls himself into my back.

"EXAMS ARE OVER!!!!" He screeches straight into my ear.

"You don't have to shout in my ear Min." He just smiles and we both walk out to meet the others on the roof. It had become our hangout spot. We walk up the stairs and give the rusty door a small push. Everyone except Jihoon hyung and Chan are here.

"Mingyu and Seokmin are here." Joshua says and all of them beckon them.

"Hi baby." Minghao says and leans in to give him a small peck.

"Where are Chan and Jihoon hyung?" I ask.

"They lost rock, paper and scissors so they are getting snacks and coffee." Jun hyung says. He is starting to show quite a bit now. The door squeaks open to reveal a smiling Chan and a rather grumpy Jihoon hyung. They are holding two big bags of food and 12 cups of Ice americano. We sit down and start passing them around. For a while, there is only munching of chips and slurps of coffee.

"I don't think I sill be able to continue high school anymore." Seungcheol hyung says and there is a pin drop silence.

"What do you mean?"  Soonyoung hyung asks.

"Well between loans, the funeral, Jun's pregnancy and paying for Seokmin's school and rent, I don't have money to pay for school. I will work full time and get my GED next year." He says rather nonchalantly.

"What about the money I make and give you? What do you do with that?" Seokmin speaks up.

"Some of it I put in the emergency fund account, the others I use for all your daily needs and groceries." He replies.

"We can help you if you want hyung." Jihoon hyung says and there is an agreement from everyone.

"I can ask from my family even though it would be embarrassing."

"I can't let you do that Hansol." I knew the story so How could I?

Jeonghan pov

And together, we knock on the door. There is a shuffle of papers and a soft "Enter" greets  us. We walk inside and there are Mr and Mrs Chwe. They were beautiful people. Now I knew where Hansol got his godly looks.

"Well It's been long, Hansol." He says.

"Father, I have come to tell you that I do not wish to inherit Chwe Industries. I wish to leave the family." I would have expected him to get shocked, beg him to stay but instead all he said was,

"Very well. Leave your credit cards. You will not get any protection or financial aid. Chances to meet your sister will also be minimal since as an heir, she will have a lot of work to do."

"I agree to the conditions Father." He puts his credit cards down before continuing, "May I meet Sophia before I go?"

"You may." 

"Thank you." He bows and we leave the room. We walk up another flight of stairs.

"This is my floor." We walk inside the door nearest to us. It was nearly empty of clothes.

"Is this your closet?"

"Yes." He replies and we set to work. We sort the clothes and keep them in boxes. Just as we were gonna leave, a young girl walks inside.



"I just heard from Dad. Is it true? Are you really leaving me?" There are tears in her eyes.

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