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Wonwoo pov

I saw Minghao and Seokmin slip away but only one returned. My worry for Seokmin led me to searching for him till I found him tucked on the ground in some random room.

"Seokmin why the fuck are you on the floor?" I ask him as I take a place next to him on the floor.

"Minghao just told me he'll do anything to win me back."

"That's great Seokmin."

"It scared the fuck out of me though."


"I'm scared of falling in love with him again."

"I understand." 

"You do?"

"Let me let you in on a secret. Junnie and I are dating again." His face is a little too surprised.

"Really? That's great. How did it happen?" He turns around so he can face me completely.

"I was the one who asked him out again actually. You know how we broke up but lived together because we wanted Areum to have a happy home?" 

He nods. 

 "But slowly I realized I was falling in love with him again. Or maybe I never did stop loving him. But I was scared. I was scared that it won't end well this time too. Or that maybe this end will be messier than the last time. And because we have a child there's a lot for us to consider. How will Areum be affected should we have a messy breakup? But at the same time I asked myself if tomorrow he was to start going out with someone else how will I feel? Will I be okay seeing him with someone else? I know I wouldn't. So I took the leap and asked him out."

"How does that help me hyung?"

"You're not scared of falling in love with him again. You're scared that you'll be hurt again if he hurts you again. But here's the difference between you and me. I know you'll be okay seeing Minghao with another man if it makes him happy. But what about your happiness? Please honestly tell me if you'll be happy seeing Minghao with another man."

"Of course not hyung. The thought of Minghao with another man drives me fucking crazy."

"Then you know what to do."

"I know. But I'm still gonna make him work for it."

"That's upon you Seokmin. But I agree."

"You do?" For some reason after his brother, he always comes to me advice.

"Yeah he too needs to prove just how serious he is about winning you back. Just how much is he gonna persist if you show no signs of relenting. If he'll give up on you or not."

"You're right hyung. You are so smart." He says it with such sincerity.

"Let's go back out Seokmin-a"

Seokmin pov

As Mingyu and I head home, I fill him in on my conversation with Wonwoo hyung.

"I agree and disagree with him."

"What do you mean?"

"As your friend, I don't want you to put yourself in a position where he can potentially hurt you again. But I know you're unhappy without him. So I want you to go for it but I still wanna strangle Minghao at the same time."

"Is Minghao not your friend?"

"He is and if you had hurt him then I'd be talking about strangling you with him. Or maybe not. I'm just very protective of you."

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