Reaction when you call them daddy

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-he was cooking dinner for you
-"daddy, when's dinner going to be ready?"
-he whips his head around
-"w-what did you just call me?"
-he walks over and kisses you
-"just a few minutes baby girl"

-"daddy, can you help me move this upstairs"
-"your dad is here? Where?"
-you laughed "I-I was talking to you"
-"o-oh....sure. W-what do you need help with?"
-"are you okay with me calling you that?"
-he hugs you from behind and kisses you neck
-"ya. Call me whatever you want"

-he's coming home from work
-"hey baby I'm home"
-"hey daddy, you're back"
-doesn't even bother to bring it up
-he kisses you with his hand on your ass
-he whispers in you ear: "call me daddy more often"

-you ask him to get you some water
-he comes back and hands you your water
-"here you go"
-he flops next to you
-"thanks daddy"
-mumbles "w-what"
-you could already see his boner

Sorry. This is really bad
I take suggestions if you have any :)

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