Their Parents Walk In On You Two 'doin it'

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-it was his mom and brother
-he had you up against the wall and your legs around his waist
-he lost balance and dropped you
-"shit y/n, I'm so sorry"
-he picks you up and wraps a blanket around you
-Nick is on the floor laughing
-"shut up Nick"
-"W-we're going to go...bye"

-it was his mom and dad
-you were on top of him
-"hey we're about to-"
-you got off him and hid under a blanket
-"MOM! DAD! Get out!"
-they leave
-"y/n, you can come out form under the blanket now"

-it was her dad
-he didn't know you were over
-she was on top of you
-"hey Sadie, do you-"
-she pulled a blanket over both of you
-"how did she get in here?"
-"through the window, now get out!"

-it was his mom
-he was on top of you
-"hey, I'm going to-"
-"MOM! Get out!"
-"What Are You Doing!?"
-"What do you think I'm doing! I'm having sex. Now get out!"
-"ok sorry"

Hello nuggets!
This was similar to the last one but still fun to write
Well...have a nice day/afternoon/night

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