Reaction to you slapping their ass

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-you love slapping his flat ass
-you do it often but sometimes it still scares him
-whips his head around "who did that!"
-looks at you smiling at him
-he loves it because it gives him a reason to slap yours back

-acts like he doesn't like it but actually loves it
-you only do it when you're home alone with him
-one time you did it around your friends and everybody was weirded out (freaks)

-you slap his ass
-he slaps your 10x harder
-"Oww! That hurt"
-"you slapped mine first"

-doesn't like it
-you do it anyway
-he doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day
-"baby, I'm sorry. Please talk to me"
-"only if you stop doing that"
-"what if I only do it once a day"
-"once a week"
-"twice times a week"

Hello nuggets
I'm in class rn but I don't give a fuck

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