They Accidentally Post Their Nudes

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-It was on instagram
-he pressed the wrong photo and didn't realize it
-you ran into his room after one of your friends told you about it
-he looked and deleted it right after
-500 people saw it and were still talking about it
-they kept posting it on twitter
-you guys didn't go out in public for a while

-he posted it on Snapchat
-Finn texted him a screen shot of it 'dude. Did you mean to post this?'
-he deleted it immediately. Only 15 people saw it
-you ran into his room "I know you did not just post this"
-"I'm sorry. I meant to send it to you"
-"do it then...."

-he sent it to a group chat with his costars AND directors
-there was 25 people on the group chat and they were all yelling at him
-Jack was in the shower when his phone started to blow up
-you looked at the texts "WRONG CHAT DUDE!" "Wtf" "I didn't know you were packin" "Y/n is very lucky" "why is there a pimple on your dick?"
-you scrolled up past all the texts to the picture
-when Jack came out of the shower you showed him
-he texted sorry to the chat
-"why would you send that to them!?"
-"I'm tired. You name was right next to the chat"

-he posted it on Instagram
-he didn't know until a week later 💀
-he got tagged so many times in the same post
-he finally looked at it and deleted it
-millions of people saw it
-he asked you why you didn't tell him and you had to confess that you don't follow him on Instagram

Hellllooooo nuggets
This one was funny to make
Any suggestions?
Have a great day

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