Your Parents Walk In On You Two 'doin it'

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-you locked the door but your mom unlocked it with a bobby pin (seriously mom)
-he was sitting up against the headboard and you were on top of him
-she saw you both and covered her eyes
-"MOM! I locked the door for a reason!"
-"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry"
-she closed the door
-"um, dinner is ready when you finish, o-or um...when you're d-done"

-both your mom and dad walked in
-it was 2am so you didn't think they were awake
-they opened your door
-"is everything ok-"
-he was on top of you
-you both whipped your heads towards them
-he pulled the blanket next to you over both of you
-"I'm sorry mr and mrs y/l/n"
-"I-It's ok Jaeden. W-we're going back to bed...bye"
-after they closed the door you looked at each other and laughed

-you forgot to lock the door
-it was your mom
-you were on top of her
-"dinner is- Oh My God, I'm So Sorry!"
-all the blankets were on the floor so you took a pillow and put it over her
-"Mom, get out!"
-she walked out but left the door open
-"Mom! Door!"

-your dad came home early from a work trip
-he walked in
-you were on your stomach and he was on top
-"hey, I'm home-"
-He pulled the blanket over the two of you
-"DAD! Why are you home so early!"
-"I-I caught an earlier flight. Hey Wyatt, hows your brother?"
-"he's good"
-"Dad, get outtt!"
-he walks out and closes the door
-"your dad is pretty cool"

Hellluuuuu nuggets!
This one was fun to write
Paparazzi pictures above. Finn looks like he's about to kill someone, haha
Any requests?
Remember to drink water and try not to stay up past 2am :)

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