Reaction To Hickey He gave You

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-your getting changed and see it in the mirror
-"Finn. Look what you did"
-"oou. I did a good job"
-Finn! We have to go to dinner tonight, what do I do!"
-wraps his arms around you
-"leave it, now everyone will know you're mine"

-you're snuggling and Jaeden sees it
-"um...could you cover those. I don't want my family to see"
-"can I give you some"
-gives you his hoodie
-After dinner he lets you give him some

-"ooouu, was that me"
-tries to put on makeup
-jack takes your brush out of your hand
-"stop. I like them"

-"seriously Wyatt!"
-"what, what, what did I do now"
-shows it to him
-"oh, sorry"
-roll your eyes
-giving him the silent treatment because he was making fun of it
-says sorry and buys you ice cream

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