Swearing In Front Of Them For The First Time

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-you stepped on a piece of glass
-"mother fucker!"
-he ran into the room
-"I stepped on a piece of glass"
-he lifts you up on the counter and pulls it out and bandages it
-"thank you"
-you hop off the counter but he pulls your arm back and pulls you into him so your fronts are touching
-"don't say that bad word again"
-"what bad word?"
-"fucker. Your my baby and I don't want you saying that"
-"but you say it"
-"say frick instead"
-"fineeeee dad"
-you walk away

-you were scrolling on your phone and found that your ex best friend was talking smack about you behind your back
-"that bitch!"
-Jaeden looks up from his phone
-"sorry, it's just that my ex best friend is suck a fucking jerk!"
-"hey! Be nice. And don't say those words about people"

Hellooooo nuggets
I didn't have many ideas for this one so sorry for only including two

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