When they give you the silent treatment

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-you made fun of him in front of his friends
-he was mad because his friends kept bringing it up and he was embarrassed
-you were both home and we're about to go to bed
-you got in under the covers and Finn was facing away from you
-"good night Finn"
-"are you awake?"
-you see his eyes open
-"did I do something?"
-you went to bed and cuddled him but he scooted away
-In the morning:
-he was cooking breakfast
-"hey, good morning" you hug him
-"did I do something to you?"
-he grabbed his plate and sat on the couch. He didn't make anything for you
-you went behind him and started kissing his neck
-"baby. Please tell me what I did"
-"you made fun of me"
-"when we were with my friends. After they kept bringing it up and embarrassed me"
-you sat next to him and hugged him
-"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
-he looked at you up and down "maybe one thing..."

-you didn't wash his suit after he reminded you 10 times to do it
-he had to go to his job interview in normal clothes
-when he got home:
-"hey baby, how was it?"
-he hung his coat up and went up stairs
-you followed him
-he changed and got into bed
-"Jae Jae, what's wrong"
-he's usually doesn't talk to you when he's really tired so you thought it was that
-in the morning:
-he was playing video games when you woke up
-you made him breakfast
-"Jae, I made breakfast"
-you went over the couch and set the plate on his lap
-you took off his headset
-he ignored you
-you started to cry
-he looked over and saw your tears and immediately ended the game
-"baby, what wrong?!"
-he hugged you tightly
-"are you mad at me?"
-"I was mad at you because you didn't wash my suit"
-"yes I did. I left it in your closet"
-he felt awful that he didn't ask you if you actually did it and you felt awful because you didn't tell him where it was
-you both forgave each other <3

-you borrowed his favorite sweatshirt and didn't return it
-you were about to go to sleep. He was sitting up on the bed on his computer
-"hey bubba. How was your day'
-"okay...i'm taking off my shirt"
-he glanced at you then back down at his computer
-you took your shirt off then your bra. You just stood there :/
-he glanced at you again then looked back up a second time
-"so you can here me"
-he shut his computer and ran over to you. He pulled you by your waist and kissed you
-"so you forgive me?"
-"yes. Can we have sex now...please"

-he was just grumpy
-"Wy, what do you want for dinner"
-you sat next to him on the couch
-"what did I do?"
-"if you talk to me then I'll let you have ice cream for dinner"
-"y-you didn't do anything"
-"I just don't want to talk right now"

Helluuuuu my nuggets
This one took me a while
546 words...wow
Have a nice day and if you have any ideas then please comment

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