You Bleed While Having Sex

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-stops in the middle and you were confused because you didn't feel anything wrong
-"y-you're bleeding. Did you start your period?"
-"no, I just got off it"
-"d-did it come back"
-"that's not how it works Finn"
-"y-you were just going a little hard I think"
-"oh, I'm sorry... Shower?"

-stops immediately
-"y-you're bleeding"
-"I'm sorry. Was I going too hard? I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry"
-"Jae Jae, I'm fine. It's just a little bit of blood"
-takes a shower with you after and you guys order pizza

-"ew, you're bleeding"
-"I told you I was going to get my period soon"
-"that's disgusting. I'm going to go wash my dick"
-"shut up Jack. It wasn't my fault"

-it started to hurt
-"Wyatt stop"
-he didn't stop
-you used the safety word "cranberry"
-he stops "what? Are you okay!? Did I do something wrong?"
-"It just hurts"
-he looked down and saw blood on the sheets
-"t-there's a lot of b-blood"
-"it's okay, lets go do something else-"
-"no, we're going to the doctors. I want to make sure everything is alright"
-he made you go no matter what you said
-everything was fine. He was just going too hard

Hello nuggets!
It is currently 1am and my eyes hurt but I don't want to go to sleep
I am also very very thirsty but I don't want to wake up my parents
So I'm just going to sit here in my bed covered with sand from when my cousins jumped on it and write because I have nothing better to do in my life

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