He has a nightmare

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-he wakes up heavy breathing 
-you're still sleeping but then wake up because you hear something
-you turn around and see Finn with his knees up to his chest and rocking back and forth
-"baby what's wrong"
-you wrap your arms around him and kiss his cheek
-"I-I had a bad dream"
-"do you want to talk about it?"
-he tells you about it then he falls back to sleep while lying on your chest and you run your fingers through his hair

-you were already awake
-he starts to move around and starts whining
-you were very confused
-"y-y/n, y/n w-where are y-you" he says in his sleep
-you shake him to wake him up
-he sits up with his hand on his chest and breathing heavy
-"bad dream?"
-he tried to go back to sleep but couldn't do you watch a movie until morning

-he woke up while you were still sleeping
-"y/n, y/n wake up!"
-"I had a bad dream"
-you sit up and see tears running down his cheeks.
-"I'm sorry bub" you hug his tightly
-you spoon his back to sleep

-you were getting a glass of water when he woke up
-you walked back into your room when you saw Wyatt breathing heavy and looking around
-you run to him and hug him
-"what's wrong! Did something happen?"
-"I-I has a b-bad dream"
He laid his head on your chest
-"what was it about"
-"you dying. When I woke up and you weren't there I thought it was true"
-you run your hair through his fingers
-"it's ok. I'm still here. I love you"
-"I love you too" 

Hello my nuggets.
If you have any suggestions then please comment
@idk20091 I'm working on your suggestion. It will be up in a a few parts after this one. Thank you for you suggestion.
Have a great day <3

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