Meeting his Parents

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-his mom LOVES you
-after dinner you spent a few hours talking about him
-Finn got jealous
-"can I have my girlfriend back now?"
-"no, she's mine"

-his mom is skeptical
-"are you going to go to college?"
-"i'm not sure yet"
-"do you have a job"
-"interesting. How many boyfriends have you had?"
-"I don't know...4 I think"
-"how long did they each last?"
-Jaeden saw that you were stressed out
-"mom, give her a break. She doesn't like talking about her past"
-"and what about her future"
-"we're going to go to bed now"
-he brings you up stairs and cuddle you to sleep

-"you really couldn't find anything better"
-"MOM! Don't talk to her like that"
-"I wasn't talking to you"
-you laugh

-everything was fine until his mom started showing you his baby pictures
-"awe, you're so cute"
-"can we stop now"
-"no, no. We're just getting to the good part"
-"what's this picture?"
-"ok, we're done"
-he drags you up stairs

Helluuuu nuggets and good morning/night
I'm sorry I didn't do anything about their dads
My dad died and I have two moms so I'm just used to being around woman
Hope you enjoyed this :)

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