Reaction To You Being Pregnant

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-you were crying in the bathroom and he heard you
-he knocks on the door "baby, you ok?"
-"y-yes...please go away"
-"why? What's wrong?"
-"nothing. I'll tell you later"
-"why can't you tell me now? What wrong"
-you unlock the door and he rushes in and sits next to you on the floor
-"whats wrong" he holds your hand
-you hand him the test
-he stares at it for a few seconds
-"it's ok if you want to break up with me. I get it"
-"what? Why the fuck would I do that"
-"that's what my ex boyfriend did when I had a false positive and thought I was pregnant"
-"well I'm not him. I'm going to be here the whole way and support you on whatever you want to do"
-"thank you"
-you start crying and dig your head into his shoulder

-he finds it in the trash
-"Y/n, what's this?"
-"Shit! You weren't supposed to find that"
-"a-are you pregnant"
-"is it mine?"
-"then why did you not want me to find out"
-"I-I just didn't know how to tell you" (I hope I'm not putting to many stutters in -author)
-"oh...are you going to keep it?"
-"I don't know yet"
-"ok...come here"
-he pulls you into a hug
-"I Love you" you muffle into his chest
-" I Love you too. So much"

-you were trying to get pregnant with a sperm donor
-this was your fourth time trying
-you just took the test and were waiting in the kitchen with Sadie next to you
-"how much longer?" You ask
-she looks at the timer
-"25 seconds"
-you wait in silence
-Sadie reaches out and interlock your finger together
-the timer goes off
-you look at each other
-she picks up the test
-"what does it say?"
-"It...It's positive"
-you start happy crying
-she hugs you
-"this is it"
-"I'm going to have a baby...I'M GOING TO HAVE A BABY!"

-you've been trying to have a baby for 7 months
-you didn't think you were pregnant, but were taking a test just in case
-you were putting on mascara when you glanced at the test to see if it was done
-it had two lines
-you dropped your mascara and pick it up and looked closer
-"Hold Shit!"
-Wyatt rushes into the bathroom
-"what, is something wrong?"
-he looks at the test
-"wait...are you pregnant?"
-he puts his face in his hands. When he looks back up he is crying and smiling
-he hugs you
-you stay like that for a long time
-"you have mascara on your cheek"
-"shut up"

Hewo nuggets
I wrote this while listening to the song abcdefu by GAYLE
Not the best song to match this chapter but I love it so much
How's your day going?
This story is almost coming to an end
I hope you enjoyed it
See you next chapter

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