Reading Smut About Them

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-you were reading it on the couch and he was behind you but you didn't know
-he was reading it with you but when it got to the spicy part he was surprised
-"whatcha readin"
-you practically jumped out of your seat and turned off your phone
-"what was that"
-"I-I don't know"
-"why do you have to read it. You have me right here"
-"there is some stuff in there that you don't really want to do"
-"I'll do anything for you"
-"really....ok then. Bedroom. Now"

-he didn't look at what you were reading
-the poor Innocent child just thought you were reading a regular book
-"what book are you reading?"
-"what? Is it scary"
-"can I read it?"
-"I-I don't think you would like it..."
-"what is it about"
-"I....something. I don't remember"
-when you went to the bathroom he looked on your phone
-he look at your reading list too...
-when you came out of the bathroom you saw your phone in his hands and ran over to him and took it
-"what are you doing"
-"w-why...w-what was that..."
-he didn't stop bringing it up so you had to explain to him about the whole Wattpad thing and smut and stuff

-you thought he was sleeping so you pulled out your phone
-you didn't realize how long it's been and he woke up
-you were laying against him so you couldn't see his face but he could see your phone
-he read it with you
-"what is this?"
-you turned around and looked at him"
-"nothing friend sent it to me"
-he took your phone out your hands
-"jack pulled you by your waist while thrusting his giant cock-"
-you pulled your phone out of his hands
-"why do you have to read that. I'm right here"
-"I don't know"
-"you're one kinky bitch"
-"shut up"

-you were reading it while he made dinner
-when dinner was ready he went over to tell you and looked over your shoulder at what you were reading
-"smut, again. Really?"
-you turned around and stared at him
-"that book is trash by the way. I've read it. I have an account hornywy24 follow me"
-well this is a side of Wyatt that you've never seen before
-last time you checked he doesn't even like reading the signs on the road

Hi nuggets
I'm so hungry but the kitchen is so far away
My mom is sleeping and I'm scared she's going to wake up and see this...
Hope you have a nice day. Remember to drink water and get outside for at least one minutes today

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