What They Do When They're Jelous

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-you were having a conversation with a guy then he started flirting with you
-"you're hair is so beautiful. And your ass is amazing"
-Finn came up behind you and hugged your back
-"nope. She's all mine. Her hair is mine and her amazing ass is mine. Go flirt with another girl"
-the guy looks shocked
-"now if you excuse us, we're going to go home and have sex"
-at that point you were embarrassed and hid your face in his shoulder

-Finn was making you laugh
-he got jealous and and hugged you from behind
-when you got home you asked him about it
-"were you jealous"
-"what. No"
-"Jaeden. I can tell when you're jealous"
-"Finn was making you laugh and I got a little mad"
-jealousy sex

-you had to cancel your date with him to help Wyatt do something
-he sounded disappointed when you told him
-when you came home you found him in your shirt with boxers on in bed eating ice cream and watching a movie
-you lay next to him
-"what's wrong baby"
-he looks down
-you slide your hand under his shirt or 'your shirt' and start tickling him
-he starts laughing really loud and try's to push your hand away
-"nothings wrong. Nothings wrong"
-he tell you he was jealous then you guys continue watching the movie

-he saw a random guy keep starting at your butt
-he glared at him but he clearly didn't get the message
-as you turned around he saw if you guy was looking then smacked your ass really loud
-the guy looked shocked
-you turned around and looked at Wyatt
-you whispered "wtf Wyatt"
-"what. That guy kept starring at your ass"
-you realized he was just being a good boyfriend

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