You Accidentally Hurt Him

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-you kicked him in the balls
-it was 3am and you were tired, ok
-he tapped you on the shoulder and you forgot he was in the kitchen with you
-you thought it was a random dude when you turned around because it was dark
-you kicked him and he fell down, holding his crotch
-you realized it was Finn when you heard him groan in pain
-"FINN! Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't think it was you"
-"I-It's ok...i'm just going to stay here for a little bit"
-"I'm so sorry. Do you want me to do anything?"
-"I don't maybe"
-"ok, I'm on it"

-you kicked him while in your sleep
-he already had a bruise on his leg from smashing it into the table. You just happened to kick him in the same spot
-he hates waking you up while you're sleeping
-you woke up to him wincing in pain
-"Jae...are you ok?
-"y-ya. I'm great"
-"are you sure?"
-" kicked me in your sleep"
-"I'm so sorry. Are you ok?"
-"ya...just hurts a bit"
-you cuddled him back to sleep

-you were cleaning up your yard and putting sticks into a pile aside
-Jack wasn't paying attention while riding his skate board
-he ran over the pile and fell
-he scraped his knee on the concrete
-he is always overdramatic when falling on his skate board so you didn't realize he fell that hard and you didn't turn around
-"BITCH! Are you going to help me or not"
-you turned around "are you ok?"
-"you put the sticks in the middle of where I was riding"
-"it's not my fault, you weren't paying attention"
-"well you shouldn't put them there"
-you still took care of him
-"no, don't put rubbing alcohol on it. That hurts"
-"I have to. We have to clean it"

-you hit him with a frying pan
-not even kidding
-you were going to make breakfast and it was early in the morning so you were still tired
-Wyatt got up without you noticing
-you got a pan out of the cabinet and when you turned around you hit him in the head with it
-"FUCK! Did you just hit me with a fucking frying pan!!"
-"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you were up yet"
-"FUCK! It feel like someone is ripping my brains out!"
-"I'm sorry baby"
-"It's ok...I'm going to go lay down"

It's Abril 21st! So happy early birthday to all my Taurus' - Leo
Have a great day

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