Him Meeting Your parents

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If you only have a mom or only have a dad or neither then you can pretend that Joyce and Hopper are your parents or any other people
-he was nervous
-your dad was giving him a hard time
-"what is your intentions with my daughter"
-"I-I don't know. I love her a-and I love spending time w-with her"
-you saw his leg bouncing under the table
-you put your hand on his knee to comfort him
-he did the dishes after
-your mom loved him
-"awe, sweety you didn't have to do that"
-"it's ok ms.Y/l/n"
-"you can call me y/m/n"

-him and your mom look through all of the photo albums
-"you were so cute when you were younger"
-"I'm not cute now?"
-"you're beautiful now"
-your mom loves you two
-"you guys are the perfect couple"
-"don't be cringe mom"

-your mom didn't like him because she walked in on you guys doing it last night
-your dad loved him
-"that's so rad"
-"dad, please don't ever use that word again"
-your mom went to bed early, for obvios reasons and him and your dad played video games until midnight
-"dad, he has to go home"
-"not yet. He can sleep here"
-3 hours later you went to check on them again and they were sleeping on the couch together with Jack's head on his shoulder

-your mom loved him so much
-after dinner she talked to him about you when you were younger
-"Wyatt, can you help me with the dishes"
-"sure baby"
-he got up then your mom pulled him back down
-"she can do the dishes by herself. Lets look through the photo albums"

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