You accidentally touch his...

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-you were walking down the street at night and was trying to hold his hand
-you didn't look and touch his...dick
-you immediately retracted your hand and put it in your pocket
-he took your hand out of your pocket and held it
-you looked over and saw him laughing
-you punched his arm "shut up"

-you don't know how but you woke up and he was still sleeping
-you looked down and your hand was between his legs laying on his crotch
-you pulled back and didn't mention it to Jaeden because you don't know how you ended up in that position...

-you were climbing over him to get something
-you slipping and caught yourself with you hands but one of your hands ended up...
-you stayed still for a few seconds
-"can you move. That kinda hurts"
-"oh, sorry"

-you were watching a movie with him and just wanted to hold his hand
-you didn't look and put you hand over his crotch instead of his hand
-he moaned
-you pulled your hand back and neither of you talked for the rest of the night

Hello my nuggets
How are you
I'm not very happy with how this one turned out...oh well
Happy depressing Monday

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