Your Dad Is A Pharmacist

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-"do you have any condoms"
-he didn't realize it was your dad
-your dad just stared at him
-he then realized it was your dad
-"o-oh. And where are the birthday cards"
-"um...aisle five"
-"thank you mr.Y/l/n"

-"hey, where are your-"
-he looked up and saw your dad
-"oh hey mr.Y/l/n. I was just wondering where the um....bandaids were"
-"aisle two"
-"thank you"

-"yo dude, where are your condoms"
-"do you have any chocolate flavored ones?"
-"u-um ya, I-I think they're in aisle five"
-while he was paying he finally realized it was your dad
-"oh! Mr.Y/l/n. That's why you look so familiar"
-he hands him the bag
-"I would like to stay here and chat but Y/n is waiting for me at home"
-he isn't aloud at family dinners anymore

-"where are your condoms?"
-he looked up and saw your dad
-"I-I'm sorry. There not for me. T-they're for brother"
-"it's ok Wyatt. I know you have sex with my daughter. Glad your being safe; they are in aisle five"
-"thank you sir"

Hellllooo my nuggets
I loved writing this one
Hope you have a great day

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