You leave your underwear at their house

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-Nick found them
-"what do you want Nick!"
-"did y/n leave her underwear here"
-he whips his head up "w-what..."
-he holds up your thong
-he snatches them out of his hand and shoved them into his pocket "you can leave now Nick"

-his mom found them in the washer
-"Jaeden...I know this isn't mine" she holds them up
-he got embarrassed "a-are you sure"
-"yes I'm sure. I'm not a size small and I'm 45 years old. I don't wear red thongs" (I don't know how old Jaeden's mom is or what she looks like)
-"t-there y/n's. I'll give them back to her"

-"y/n, you left your underwear here"
-"o-oh. Can I have them back?"
-"I need something to jerk off to"
-"JACK!" You hit him "you're disgusting"
-"it's a normal thing y/n"

-"Wyatt, did I leave my underwear here?"
-"oh, ya. I forgot to give them back to you"
-that's a lie. He kept them on purpose

Hello my nuggets (I love that nickname)
Did you like this? I hope
188 words
(Stalling because I don't know what else to say)

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