Snow Days

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-just cuddles
-you called your mom to go get you more snacks because you didn't want to get up
-watched movies all day long

-him getting stressed out watching the news
-"it's ok. You're going to be ok"
-"what if that part hits us. What if the house blows down. What if we'll be here forever. What if the power goes out and I can't watch anime"
-"'re fine"

-building a snow man family
-"that one's name if Jack. That one is Jack the second. That one is Jack the third. That one is Jack the fourth. And that one is-"
-"let me guess, Jack the fifth. Stop naming snow men after you"
-"no, that's Finn. And that's Finn the second. And that's Finn the third"
-"I'm going inside"
-"what. I named one after you"
-"really! Where"
-"that one, her name is bitch that is always hungry and steals the blanket at night and doesn't give you cuddles"
-"...I'm done"

-you played video games with him the entire day
-"haha. I beat you"
-"Y/n, you lost 17 times in a row before this"
-"I still beat you...don't take that away from me"
-"ok fine. You beat me"
-good Wyatt

Heyyyyy nuggies
Happy Saturday
Have a nice day

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