Reaction to you not wanting to have sex

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-mad but respects your decision
-"I'm not in the mood Finn"
-"o-ok. Later?"
-"can we cuddle?"
-"of course"

-he doesn't ask for sex that often, he was embarrassed
-"o-oh....ok. Um..."
-"I know it's hard for you to ask for it but I'm just not in the mood right now"
-"that's ok baby. I understand"
-you fucked later
-he was happy about that
-the end

-he was mad. Just mad
-"why not"
-"I'm just not in the mood right now Jack"
-"well, make yourself in the mood"
-face palm

-he didn't ask you directly but you know his ways
-he was kissing your neck with his hand on your thigh, slowly going up
-"Wyatt...not right now please"
-"oh, ok....cuddles?"
-"of course"

Hello my nuggets!
So, I'm going to do a little story time because it'll 12:30 am and i feel like shit
I tried to get on my account on my computer so i could write more since I'm now allowed to have my phone upstairs while I'm sleeping (supposed to be sleeping)
My log in didn't work and i thought it was because you couldn't have two devices on it at once so i logged out on my phone
Turned out that wasn't the case and i couldn't log back in
I had a mental break down because i thought i lost it forever
But then i typed in my username instead of my email and everything was fine
The end

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