He Accidentally Hurts You

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-he smashed your hand in the car door
-he closed it then heard you scream
-"oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Are you ok? Do you need ice?"
-"um...Ice please"
-you make him carry you inside even though your legs are fine
-he gave you ice and rubbed your hand
-"I'm sorry"
-"it's ok...even though you could've broken my hand"

-you were next to him while he played video games
-he lost and threw his arms back and hit you with the controller
-"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that"
-"I-It's ok"
-"does it hurt?"
-"i'll get you ice"
-brings you back ice and lets you play his game

Hellllloooooooo nuggets
I didn't have many ideas for this one so sorry I only did 2
Do you have any suggestions?
Stay hydrated and make sure not to stay in you room all day long

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