First Time Sleeping Over Another Ones House

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Sleeping at your house:
-your mom lets you sleep in the bed
-you dad on the other hand...
-he was very strict
-he checked on you guys 15 times
-one of those times you two were kissing
-...your dad left immediately
-you watched a movie till 3am and then fell asleep
Sleeping at his house:
-you spent half the time with his mom talking
-"can I please have my girlfriend back now"
-"not yet"

Sleeping at your house:
-both of your parents Love him
-your mom checked on you guys a lot
-"Hey Jaeden, are you ok? Do you need any snacks, blankets, or movies? I can go get a movie if you want. We have all the Star Wars and we have-"
-"MOM! We're fine"
-"yes, we're good ms.Y/l/n"
-"call me y/m/n"
Sleeping at his house:
-both of his parents like you but are skeptical
-"so Y/n, do you want to sleep on this couch or we have a couch upstairs-"
-"mom, she's going to sleep with me"
-"no, I don't think she wants to do that"
-"I can sleep with Jaeden"
-"are you sure"
-she checked on you guys 10 times
-she walked in on you guys making out and put a pillow between you two... (Lol)

Sleeping at your house:
-He had the idea of having sex while your parents were in the other room....never again
-you mom walked in on you two
-thank god you had a blanket over you
-you rolled over with Jack still on top of you and got tangled in the blankets
-"w-what are you guys doing"
-"NOTHING! Get out mom"
-"thank you mom...Love you"
Sleeping at his house:
-his mom is skeptical of you
-his dad loves you
-he made you waffles in the morning
-it was weird but the waffles were good so...#foodforlife

Sleeping at your house:
-your parents are half and half
-they don't hate him but also don't love him
-your mom is nice though
-"hey Wyatt. I've heard so much about you"
-"hi ms.Y/l/n. Hi mr.Y/l/n"
-you dad doesn't really care
-"just don't get my daughter pregnant"
-"ugh! Nothing, we're going upstairs"
Sleeping at his house:
-his parents love you
-"hi Y/n! We've heard so much about you"
-"hello. Thank you for letting me come over"
-"no problem. I will allow you to sleep in the same bed; just no funny business"
-you could see Wyatt's smile from the corner of your eye
-"okay mom. We're going to go upstairs now"

Helllooooooooooo nuggets
I'm feeling happy but also like I want to jump off a cliff at the same time
Any suggestions?
Update: my dog is snoring so fucking loud....he's really annoying
Have a good day.................

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