they walk in on you changing

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-you have underwear but no bra
-he comes in and leans against the door frame
-"ooh! My girlfriend is hot!"
-"Finn dickhard get out!"
-you can see his boner
-you have to throw a pillow at him

-you have underwear and a bra on
-he comes in and covers his eyes
-"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to barge in. I'm so so so sorry"
-"Jae, you've seen me naked before. We have had sex. You can look at me"
-he uncovers his eyes
-he lays on the bed and stares at you a few times

-you're naked
-just barges in
-"hey y/n, wha- OOH, hello hot mama"
-"Jack, get the fuck out"
-walks closer to you and hugs you
-"I've seen you naked before. I don't mind"
-"well I do!"
-"fine, fine. I'll go"

-he doesn't notice you.
-you don't notice him.
-you're naked and you go across the room to get your clothes
-you notice him and cover your self
-"Wyatt! What the fuck are you doing here"
-he's laying on the bed in his phone. He look up and look at you up and down
-"s-sorry. I d-didn't realize you were changing"
-"of course you didn't" eye roll
-he gets up and walks over to you
-"I promise I didn't"
-"ya sure"
-"y/n! I didn't"
-"yes you did!"
-"well you didn't notice me so I could I have noticed you!"
-"W-......shut up! That doesn't even make sense"

I kind of like this one
I'm in the car and my legs are asleep. I'm very uncomfortable

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