When you give them the silent treatment

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-blames himself
-"did I do something?"
-"is it my fault?"
-"do you want food?"
-gets you food
-"please talk to me"
-"is it because I didn't go shopping with you?"
-30 minutes later you finally talk to him
-"YES. What do you need. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
-"no, I'm sorry. I was in a mad mood and I ignored you for no reason"

-he ate the last of your ice cream when you were on your period
-"baby, please talk to me. What did I do"
-you went to a separate room
-3 hours later he came to you again
-"please, please, please tell me what I did"
-"you ate the last of my ice cream"
-"I'm on my period and that was the only good thing that was going on in my life and you ate it!"
-"I'm so sorry. I can go get you some more"
-"ok. Mint chocolate chip please"
-"I'm on it"

-"what did I do now"
-jumps on you
-"Jack! Get off of me!"
-"great, you're talking now"

-"hey Y/n, what do you want for dinner?"
-"hello? Y/n"
-"did I do something?"
-snuggles you and puts his head in the crook of your neck
-"I'm sorry baby. Please forgive me. I'll do anything"
-"can we have Chinese for dinner"
-"yes of course! I love you"
-"love you too"

Any suggestions?

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