Christmas With Them

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-open presents then watch a movie
-"I Love you"
-"love you too"
-you cook Christmas dinner with him
-you made way too much and ended up having left overs for a week

-you spent it with your family and him
-he got presents for your whole family
-"awe Jaeden, you didn't have to"
-"out of all the one boyfriends Y/n has had, you're my favorite"
-he whispers in your ear "you hear that. I'm her favorite"

-you spend it alone with him
-"here's your last present"
-"OOH! What is it" (he's a literal child. I love him)
-he unwraps it and throws the paper across the room
-"NINTENDO SWTICH! Thank you!"
-wouldn't stop playing it for the rest of the day
-"Jackie, dinners ready"
-"one sec. I'm trying to beat this level"

-you spent it with his family
-"it's so nice to have you here Y/n"
-"thank you for inviting me"
-you were a little scared that his mom doesn't like you so you got presents for all of them and did the dishes
-"let me help you" -Wyatt
-"she doesn't need help Wyatt" -his mom
-you whisper "I told you Wy, she hates me"
-"she doesn't hate you, she's just....tired"

Hello nuggets
Half of this sucked, half of it kinda sucked
Have a nice day

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