Gum Got Stuck In Their Hair

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-you heard him whining from outside the bathroom door
-you knock on the door
-"Finn? You ok"
-"not really"
-"Can I come in?"
-"come on Finn, you're scaring me"
-he slowly opens the door
-"oh my god!"
-he has a clot of gum on the top of his wet hair
-"how did that happen"
-"I don't know, I woke up with it. I've been trying to wash it out"
-after 30 minutes of trying to get it out...
-"Finn, we need to cut it"
-"WHAT! No,no,no,no,no. Not happening. Nada. Never"
-"it's the only way"
-you cut his hair and he squealed and turned away causing you to cut off more than you wanted
-"uh oh"
-"uh oh? What do you mean uh oh"
-"nothing, just maybe wear a hat for a few weeks"

-he walks into the kitchen with a hat on
-"why are you wearing a hat inside"
-"it's the new style. Get with it"
-you take the hat off while he's turned away from you
-"I know, I me please"
-you were able to get most of it out but had to cut a little bit of it

-you walk in the bathroom to her looking sad in the mirror
-"what's up?"
-she turns to the side for you to see the gum stuck at the bottom of her hair
-"I can't get it out"
-"oh, we can google how to get gum out"
-"no, that's fine. I need a hair cut anyway"
-she takes scissors out of the drawer and chops off her hair

-"what's going on-"
-you walk into the kitchen and see the gum
-"help meee"
-you were able to get it out with peanut butter but his hair was sticky and he was mad that he had to take a shower

Hello nuggets!
I really enjoyed writing this one
I hope you have a wonderful day
If you are still in school make sure to get your homework done
Remember to drink water and I hope to see you next chapter

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